March 14th, 2013 - Riga, Latvia - Evita Lune, Partner & Country Manager for Latvia at Pedersen & Partners, in an article for Dienas Bizness shared her thoughts about a different approach to time management. 

During the past few years my daily routine has become more rapid and more intense, and I believe I am not the only one who schedules my to-do list in my mind during my yoga class. I now realize that time is one the most valuable resources.

Therefore, I was really glad when my Spanish colleagues introduced me to books Corporate Athlete and The Power of Full Engagement approach, because I was interested in the idea of aspiration to physical and spiritual fullness a long time ago. Authors Jim Loehr, Tony Schwarz and Jack Groppel talk about four energy levels – physical, emotional, mental, spiritual. In business we are continuously in a situation where our physical body is not used properly (all day in meetings, by the computer or talking on mobile phone).  Moreover, we find ourselves in emotional and mental overload conditions.  If any of the energy levels are over-used or not used enough, energy potential decreases. To achieve maximum potential it is necessary to work with each energy level – walk out of your comfort zone to initiate development. Of course, after high load, rest and regeneration is obligatory.

If we want to remain professionally active for the next 30-40 years, stay sharp-minded and still be pleasant interlocutors, sometime should be allowed for sports each day as well as going to bed early and waking up early, eating healthy meals 5-6 times a day and spending at least 30 minutes in the fresh air. Author Tal Ben-Shahar also believes that by exercising we get more happy hormones than any anti-depressants can give. From my personal experience, when I have water skiing training every other day, my mind is at its sharpest and my motivation is at its highest.

Emotional energy comes from moments of happiness. Mental energy must be restored by giving the brain some time to rest, regain oxygen. Spiritual energy gives us strength to mobilize other energy levels and makes sense for our activities. When there is a clear goal in front of you, then finding strength for discipline and development is much easier. For each one it will be something else – praying or meditation – and returning to core values. 

Written by Evita Lune for Dienas Bizness