Liza Evin - pedersen & Partners

Liza Evin is a Research Consultant at Pedersen & Partners, based in Paris, France. Ms. Evin started her career in Executive Search with Pedersen & Partners by supporting local and regional consultants with search mandates solutions and leadership assessment projects. Prior to joining the firm, she held mid-tier administrative and logistics roles at several companies in France and Russia and served as a Cooperation Projects Coordinator with the International Relations Centre of the Francisco José de Caldas District University of Bogotá in Colombia. Also, Ms. Evin worked at a French company specialising in the Tourism industry and was responsible for maintaining and developing client relationships.

Ms. Evin holds a Master’s degree in International Projects Negotiation from the Paul Valéry University of Montpellier from France and a Master’s degree in Translation Studies specialised in French and English from the Volgograd State University in Russia. She speaks native Russian, fluent French and English, and intermediate Spanish.
