Luminita Grubii-Vidrascu is the Industrial Practice Group Knowledge Manager at Pedersen & Partners, based in Balti, Moldova. Ms. Grubii-Vidrascu joined the firm in June 2017 as a Research Analyst and was subsequently promoted to a Senior Research Analyst role, where she supported the firm’s consultants in the execution of international senior-level search projects. In November 2018, Ms. Grubii-Vidrascu was promoted to Business Development Executive where she focused on market research and provided support in business development tasks. As a PG Program Manager within the Industrial Practice Group, Ms. Grubii-Vidrascu specialises in industrial market research, aiding consultants identify and place leaders across the Practice group’s areas of specialisation.
Ms. Grubii-Vidrascu holds a Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature and German Language and a Master degree in Labour Relations and Human Resources Management from “Alecu Russo” Balti State University. In addition to her native Romanian, she speaks fluent English and Russian, and can communicate in German and French.