MBI & MBO Club


The Club is the first and only of its kind in Central and Eastern Europe and is focusing on the issues and challenges facing ambitious managers interested in acquiring a business through a Management-Buy-In (MBI) or Buy-Out (MBO) and accessing the necessary capital. The Club is an informal network of a select group of successful directors and managers.


Crowne Plaza, Hodžovo nám. 2, Bratislava, Slovakia
Conference room: Paris

Please confirm attendance by October 21, 2013 to Sune Christiansen at: sune.christiansen@pedersenandpartners.com or Tel. +421 2 544 125 89

17:45 – 18:00 Registration
18:00 – 18:15 News from the MBI & MBO Club and Pedersen & Partners
Sune Christiansen, Client Partner and Country Manager, Slovakia, Pedersen & Partners
18:15 – 18:30 News from Enterprise Investors
Ivan Jakubek, Country Manager for Slovakia and Czech Republic
18:30 – 18:50  "Wind farms and other renewable energy sources - private equity investor experiences!" by Wojciech Cetnarski, President of Wento
18:50 – 19:15 Open discussions
19:15 Drinks, buffet, networking
Event Administrator:

Pedersen & Partners
Att.: Sune Christiansen
Poštová 1
811 06 Bratislava, Slovakia
T +421 2 544 125 90
F +421 2 544 125 91
