Private Equity Breakfast 2015


The Private Equity Breakfast is an annual event that is sponsored and hosted through the joint cooperation of Pedersen & Partners and CMS Cameron McKenna. The purpose of this event is to bring together investment professionals to discuss and share experiences and comments regarding the current industry climate and future developments.

Private Equity Breakfast

Intercontinental Hotel, Emilii Plater Street 49, Warsaw

8.00 – 8.30 Arrival and networking
8.30 – 8.45 Opening note
8.45 – 10.15 Hot Private Equity Equity Issues - Panel discussion - Chaired by CMS

Dieter Lobnig - Head of Structured Finance & Commercial Real Estate Department - Bank Pekao SA;
Rafał Andrzejewski - Investment Director - CEE Equity Partners;
Dariusz Greszta - Partner - CMS;
Wojciech Ciszek - Principal Banker - EBRD;
Jacek Siwicki - President - Enterprise Investors;
Pawel Padusiński - Partner - Mid Europa Partners.

10.15 – 10.20 Closing remarks – Poul Pedersen, Pedersen & Partners
10.20 – 11.00 Coffee and networking


Event Administrator:

Pedersen & Partners

Krzysztof Dąbrowski
Country Manager Poland

Tel  +48 22 460 2110
Fax +48 22 460 2118
