Private Equity Breakfast 2015


The Private Equity Breakfast is an annual event that is sponsored and hosted through the joint cooperation of Pedersen & Partners and CMS Cameron Mckenna. The purpose of this event is to bring together investment professionals to discuss and share experiences and comments regarding the current industry climate and future developments.

Private Equity Breakfast

Jumeirah Emirates Towers Hotel, 2 Sheikh Zayed Road, Dubai

8.30 – 9.15 Registration and breakfast
9.15 – 11.15 Panel discussion – co-chaired by Graham Conlon (CMS) and Michael Al-Nassir (Pedersen & Partners), followed by Free Ranging Roundtable Discussions

Taimoor Labib - Managing Director, Head of Global Private Equity Portfolio Management, Standard Chartered Bank;
Geoffrey Fink - Managing Partner, Delta Partners;
Richard Dallas - Managing Director, Private Equity, Gulf Capital;
Mark Lemmon - Executive Vice Chairman, MENA Infrastructure;
Wassim Moukahhal - Senior Partner and Executive Director, Samena Capital.



  • Recent trends in the region – including deal-flow, valuations, funding
  • Private Equity as a partner for local entrepreneurs or family businesses. What is the appetite, and what are the issues?
  • Typical obstacles to getting deals done in the region. Possible to find good management? Issues around corruption?
  • Appetite for investing further afield. Which regions are particularly in demand right now? Asia? Africa? Latin America? Europe?
  • What about the SWFs – where are they investing, and what are the issues of co-investing alongside them?
  • How do funds/SWFs typically go about sourcing deals further afield?
  • What PE trends are we are seeing elsewhere in the World?
  • What opportunities are likely to arise in anticipation of Qatar hosting the 2022 world cup?
  • Exit strategies
11.15 – 12.00 Coffee and networking


Event Administrator:

Pedersen & Partners

Daniela Stogu
