Private Equity Breakfast 2016


The Private Equity Breakfast is an annual event that is sponsored and hosted through the joint cooperation of Pedersen & Partners and CMS. This year marks the 25th anniversary of Private Equity in CEE. After the regime changes took place across Central and Eastern Europe the region quickly generated interest from private equity funds. Since then private equity funds have benefitted from the opportunities presented by the region and have contributed to the development of the investment climate as we know it today.

The purpose of this event is to bring together experienced private equity professionals  to discuss the development of the sector in CEE over the past 25 years, assess at the current trends in the market and look ahead to what is to come. The audience will consist of senior decision makers from private equity funds, asset managers, venture capital funds, investment banks, development finance institutions, family offices, and corporate investors. 

Private Equity Breakfast

The Augustine Hotel, Letenská 12/33, Prague 1

8.30 – 9.00 Registration and breakfast
9.00 – 10.30

Panel discussion
Poul Pedersen, Managing Partner & Head of Private Equity Practice, Pedersen & Partners 
David Butts, Managing Partner, Co-leader of International Private Equity for CEE, CMS



Chris Mruck, Advent International
Krzysztof Krawczyk, CVC
Bill Fawkner-Corbett, CEE Equity Partners
Martijn Bruins, ING
Richard Seewald, Evolution Equity Partners
Robert Chmelar, Rockaway Capital
Paul Stallebrass, CMS



  • Recent trends in M&A, including deal-flow, valuations, funding, exit strategies;
  • Typical obstacles to getting deals done. Availability of good management?
  • Investing in start-up companies and SMEs: the role of Venture/Seed Capital;
  • Appetite for investing or expanding portfolio companies further afield. Which high growth regions are particularly in demand right now? Southeast Asia? Sub Saharan Africa? Latin America? Eastern Europe? Middle East/North Africa?
  • What do companies and management expect from private equity investors, apart from money?
  • What are the most viable alternatives to PE for entrepreneurs and family businesses? 
  • Outlook/taking stock
    • High opportunity sectors
    • Notable transactions completed over the past 12 months
    • Most competitive deal size segments, opportunities
    • Co-investing opportunities
    • Challenges of managing portfolio companies
    • Challenges around negotiating the acquisition of privately-held entrepreneurial businesses
    • Availability of finance, alternative financing
    • Fund-raising environment
10.30 – 11.30 Coffee and networking


Event Administrator:

Attending the event is free of charge, please register if you would like to join us.

Natalia Staykova
Pedersen & Partners