Private Equity Breakfast 2017


The Private Equity Breakfast is an annual event that is sponsored and hosted through the joint cooperation of Pedersen & Partners and CMS. The purpose of this event is to bring together investment professionals to discuss and share experiences and comments regarding the current industry climate and future developments. 

The event will have leading speakers from the private equity industry, management recruitment and legal fields.

Private Equity Breakfast

Mondriaantoren - Amstelplein 8A

8.00 – 8.30 Registration
8.30 – 09.30

Panel discussion and breakfast
Poul Pedersen, Managing Partner & Head of Private Equity Practice, Pedersen & Partners 
Mark Ziekman, Corporate/ M&A Partner, CMS Netherlands



Hans van Ierland, co-founder and CEO HPE Growth Capital
Radboud Vlaar, co-founder and partner Orange Growth Capital
Cilian Jansen Verplanke, co-founder Karmijn Kapitaal
Bob Ernst, co-founder and managing partner Hemingway Corporate Finance
Matthias Vandepitte, partner Fortino Capital
Pieter van Duijvenvoorde, corporate/M&A partner CMS Netherlands


  • Recent trends in M&A in the Benelux – including deal-flow, valuations, funding, exit strategies
  • High opportunity sectors
  • Co-investing opportunities
  • Challenges of managing portfolio companies, portfolio value enhancement strategies
  • External factors (a.o. Brexit, Euro crisis, Trump presidency, geopolitical situation)
09.30 - 10.00 Networking

Please note, this event is free of charge. You will receive a confirmation of attendance one week prior to the event. 


Event Administrator:

Please click here to register.