The 3 building blocks of your career success

Vienna, Austria – Globalisation and economic crises pose major challenges to employees. Workers are constantly at risk of losing the company’s favour, their jobs and connections. Employees must carefully consider their attitudes towards work, and should learn these three important tips from successful managers and employers.

Focus on your own personal performance

Many employees want a good life, and are willing to work for it. They focus primarily on a secure income, and are willing to make many compromises for this. Employers take note of this attitude, and respond accordingly.

When employees merely offer up their labour for money, they are almost begging to be overwhelmed with problems. On the other hand, employers offer solutions and make these solutions the focus of their professional life – no wonder they are more motivated! Employees should find and communicate the contribution that they want to make to their employers. Entrepreneurial thinking and the shared experience of success will have a much greater effect on your satisfaction and motivation than the boss’s well-intentioned financial incentive.

Get a support network

One common factor of all successful professionals is their internal and external support network. All good employers know that they are nothing without their employees. If you want to get the best out of your professional life as an employee, you should actively find people in and outside your company who will mentor, nurture and support you on your way to professional success. Maintaining your own network, a matter of course for entrepreneurs and managers, should also become a habit for employees.

Make decisions and take responsibility

If employers do not take decisions, the business will die. They are responsible for the performance that they offer on the market, and at what price. Moreover, in many cases, if employees do not take decisions, the business does not grow. A good boss will encourage and hire employees who have better ideas than he does—who will take risks, make decisions, accept power and increase their influence in the event of success. The best decisions are taken in the best interests of the company, customers, community, and the employees themselves.

Conclusion: Think and act like an employer

Employees can find it easier to reach their professional goals than most self-employed workers. However, many of them abandon their dreams and career goals in favour of a higher salary. But if you take care to think like an employer and a manager, you have taken the first step on the path to success.

Conrad Pramböck is the Head of Compensation Consulting at Pedersen & Partners. Based in Vienna, Austria, he is responsible for consulting companies on all aspects of compensation, including providing companies with up-to-date market information on salary ranges and design of bonus systems across all industries and geographies. Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Pramböck held several senior positions in international consultancy firms. He started his career with a German Consultancy firm working in management consulting and later in the Compensation Consulting business unit based in Austria. For the following seven years he worked with one of the top Austrian Executive Search firms as the Head of Compensation Consulting. He was responsible for all international compensation consulting activities and developed and maintained an international compensation database in 40 countries.

Pedersen & Partners is a leading international Executive Search firm. We operate 56 wholly owned offices in 52 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia & the Americas. Our values Trust, Relationship and Professionalism apply to our interaction with clients as well as executives. More information about Pedersen & Partners is available at

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