HR-Lounge networking in Austria: Personal exchanges are always fruitful

Vienna, Austria – The HR-Lounge, an open-door and multi-sectorial networking organization created in Austria for Human Resources Managers exclusively, organized two May events: a workshop at Bilfinger VAM and a business tour at the Austrian Power Grid (APG).

The workshop was held in Linz at the Bilfinger VAM site – a compound dedicated to industrial plant engineering and pipework construction. VAM HR Manager Michael Novak set out the talent challenges faced by the growing company, especially the deficit of qualified skilled employees. He explained that Bilfinger VAM has partnered with a philanthropic organization to provide training for young professionals and subsequently offer employment opportunities.

For the second event, the HR managers went straight to the heart of the Austrian power supply in Favoriten, Vienna. APG HR Director Wolfgang Motz told his HR-Lounge colleagues that when the subsidiary was separated from the mother company, the new personnel department had to hit the ground running and embark on a brand-new and challenging talent scouting mission, hiring new employees "who had never heard of APG."

At these events, HR-Lounge members were able to build relationships, exchange views on talent management techniques, and share best HR practices in a casual peer-to-peer atmosphere. Jan-Erik Beerstecher, HR Manager at MAN Bus & Vertrieb commented on his first HR-Lounge networking event: “I know some networks in Munich, but this format is unique.”

Josef Buttinger, the Country Manager for Austria at Pedersen & Partners and the founder of HR-Lounge, explains: “We founded the HR-Lounge in 2008 out of a conviction that personal exchanges are always fruitful. This network provides space for personal contacts and sharing among like-minded professionals. We have been quite successful in garnering support from our members, and now we have two branches covering central and eastern Austria. We organize events five times a year in a casual and pleasant club atmosphere, in which we try to create and extend a network where HR experts have the chance to cultivate relationships. We aim to offer them a platform for discussions and exchange of experience,” he concluded.

Josef Buttinger is the Country Manager for Austria at Pedersen & Partners. Mr. Buttinger brings over 20 years of experience in Recruitment, Executive Search and Human Resources Management roles from Austrian and international firms. He is also the Founder & President of HR Lounge, an organization for HR professionals networking in Austria. Mr. Buttinger began his career in the non-profit sector as a Manager for the Red Cross and Volkshilfe Austria.

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