Pedersen & Partners France was nominated in six Executive Search industry categories by Décideurs Magazine

June 7, 2024 - Paris, France

Décideurs Magazine issued by Leaders League, a media and rating agency for top executives, has released its 2024 annual “Executive Search ranking” report for the Executive Search industry in France. Pedersen & Partners was rated as Excellent for international searches and nominated for its strong reputation and prominence in the following categories for top management:

  • Industry
  • Consumer Goods & Retail
  • Marketing & Sales Department
  • Private equity (funds and their investments)

Armelle Boulon

“We are humbled and honoured to receive these nominations from Décideurs Magazine. On behalf of Pedersen & Partners, I would like to thank our team and partners for their hard work in our 54 offices across the world, as well as the clients who trust us to support their business goals. Pedersen & Partners France continues its trajectory of growth,” commented Armelle Boulon, Country Manager France.

Pedersen & Partners is a leading global Executive Search and Leadership Consulting firm. We operate 54 wholly-owned offices in 50 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia & the Americas. Our values of Trust, Relationship and Professionalism apply to our interaction with clients as well as executives.

Miami, USA

Leading Global Executive Search & Leadership Consulting firm in Miami, Florida.

With a focus on Technology, Consumer, Industrial, and Life Sciences the Miami office serves as the firm’s strategic hub for Executive Search & Leadership Consulting in North America and serves as the gateway to Latin America.

Utilizing our global platform which combines our local knowledge and global industry expertise, Pedersen & Partners team offers unmatched insights and access to top level executive talent across various sectors.


Navigating the Storm of War: Key challenges and action steps for CEOs managing agribusiness companies in Ukraine during the war with Russia

The ongoing full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine has created a highly challenging business environment for Ukrainian private and state-owned companies alike, leading to CEOs grappling with complex issues and challenges. These challenges include economic instability, supply chain issues, operational disruptions, and security and personnel safety concerns, leading to a brain drain as skilled professionals leave the country.

Navigating the Storm of War: Key challenges and action steps for CEOs managing agribusiness companies in Ukraine during the war with Russia

As the Country Manager of Ukraine at Pedersen &Partners, I have engaged in insightful discussions with fellow Ukrainian CEOs to explore the key leadership challenges they face and uncover strategies to counteract them. I have decided to start by discussing agribusiness, given my extensive network in this sector. This is particularly topical considering recent events: the collapse of the grain deal, the explosion at the Kakhovska Hydroelectric Power Station which has led to a failure to irrigate 600,000 hectares of land, and the embargo on Ukrainian grain.

In this article, I share the views of:

To navigate the storm of war, agribusiness leaders have the following recommendations:

  • Prioritise Safety: value human life and relationships over material goods.
  • Plan Strategically for Resilience: pivot from long-term to short-term planning.
  • Foster Compassionate Leadership: create inclusive work environments that support and motivate employees during these difficult times, by offering psychological and material support.
  • Adapt to changing market demands: develop alternative supply chains and export routes.

Volodymyr Kolomoets: How did the war change you personally as a leader?

Sergiy Tymoshenko: I have come to understand that the most crucial aspects of life are not material possessions, but human life itself. Supporting relatives, friends, colleagues, and those in need has become the paramount priority.

Alex Lissitsa: The war has profoundly impacted me as a leader. It has taught me the invaluable qualities of resilience, adaptability, and decisive decision-making in the face of adversity. Strengthening my commitment to creating a supportive and inclusive work environment has become my top priority.

Oleksiy Derkach: The full-scale invasion launched by the aggressor on 24 February 2022 marked a significant shift in leadership practices. During peaceful times, leaders foster a well-balanced approach, encouraging team collaboration and suggesting various solutions. Conversely, decisive action and sole responsibility become imperative at a time of war due to limited time and resources.

Oliver Gierlichs: The war served as a profound learning experience on both a personal and leadership level. Spending significant time with our team in Ukraine, aiding and supporting them has reinforced the importance of empathy and care in leadership. The experience has made me more resilient and prompted a recalibration of my life values, highlighting the significance of human connections and the impact of our actions during crises.

What are your current biggest needs and pain points in terms of leadership during the war?

Sergiy Tymoshenko: During this time of conflict, the people are at the heart of our needs and concerns. Offering both psychological and material support to our team and to others is crucial. This support is driven by effective communication and proper coordination within the management team.

Oleksiy Derkach: Another concern is the continuous outflow of educated and mobile talent from the country. While we have managed to retain most of our colleagues in the team, the potential future shortage of qualified employees is becoming evident.

Alex Lissitsa: The ongoing conflict has introduced new risks and uncertainties, demanding effective communication channels and robust emergency protocols.

Oliver Gierlichs: Managing high levels of uncertainty and ambiguity, maintaining team morale and motivation, and making quick and effective decisions in a constantly changing environment are my most significant needs and pain points.

How have you balanced the need of immediate challenges with the need to plan for the future of your business?

Sergiy Tymoshenko: In these trying times, we have shifted our focus towards ad-hoc tactical actions, prioritising immediate challenges. However, we understand the significance of revisiting and adjusting our company strategy, developing various scenarios (optimistic, realistic, pessimistic), and implementing the most suitable approach. Creating a contingency plan and a crisis team have proven indispensable for business operations during the war.

Oleksiy Derkach: Once we have analysed and implemented safety measures, we shift our focus to business planning. We have adapted our planning periods, transitioning from “years” to “months” and from “months” to “weeks”, considering the unpredictability of external factors during wartime.

Alex Lissitsa: Addressing urgent matters is essential, but we nevertheless recognise the significance of maintaining a long-term perspective. To this end, we have developed a new IMC smart green strategy for the next 10 years, aligning with the requirements of the European Green Deal.

How has the Black Sea blockade and damage to agricultural facilities increased costs and risks to grain production and exports?

Sergiy Tymoshenko: As a company involved in seed production and sales, a stable and accessible market for crops is crucial. When export opportunities for commodities are limited, it directly impacts the market size and seed sales. Ensuring stable commodity exports with affordable logistics costs remains a priority for us.

Alex Lissitsa: The Black Sea blockade and damage to agricultural facilities have significantly impacted the grain production and export industry. Disrupted transportation routes have led to increased costs and logistical challenges. Moreover, the damage to agricultural facilities has resulted in a decline in productivity, further compounding the situation. To address these challenges, we have implemented alternative supply chains, invested in infrastructure repairs, and sought innovative solutions to mitigate the impact on grain production and exports.

Oliver Gierlichs: The Black Sea blockade has significantly impacted the large agricultural holdings which are our customers. They have had to alter their export routes and adjust the planting areas of certain crops due to war zones, affecting our seed and crop protection business. However, we have adapted by increasing our seed corn exports to EU markets.

The growth of renewable energy in the developed and emerging worlds: analysing the driving factors

Renewable energy growth in the developed world is driven by multifaceted, interrelated factors. Climate change concerns, public support, economic incentives, technology advancements, security of energy supply, and cost reduction have propelled the transition to renewable energy sources. Additionally, the convergence of these drivers has created an environment that enables increased renewable energy adoption, with substantial implications for sustainable development, energy security, and environmental preservation. However, further research and policy efforts are essential to ensure the continued growth and integration of renewable energy into the energy mix of developed and emerging economies.

Analyzing the Drivers of Renewable Energy Growth in the Developed and Emerging World

What do people think?

Growing public awareness and concern about climate change and environmental issues have significantly influenced renewable energy growth. With increasing awareness of the environmental impact of traditional energy sources, there is now increased support for clean and renewable energy alternatives, thereby driving demand and investment in renewable energy projects. (1)

Governments seem to be listening

Many governments have introduced economic incentives to encourage the adoption of renewable energy, including tax credits, subsidies, feed-in tariffs, and grants, aimed at reducing the financial barriers associated with renewable energy installations. Such incentives have provided economic viability for renewable energy projects and stimulated market growth. In emerging countries, renewable energy provides a viable solution for addressing energy poverty in remote and rural areas. These regions often lack access to centralised power grids, making renewable energy an attractive option for decentralised energy generation. By deploying off-grid and mini-grid solutions, renewable energy can provide affordable and reliable electricity to underserved communities, fostering economic development, and improving quality of life. In addition, the renewable energy sector offers significant job creation potential, particularly in emerging countries. The demand for skilled workers in various renewable energy-related fields, such as manufacturing, installation, maintenance, and research and development, is growing. By embracing renewable energy, emerging countries can create employment opportunities, enhance human capital development, and promote social and economic inclusivity. (2)

How are we going to get there?

Advancements in renewable energy technologies, such as solar photovoltaics, wind turbines, and energy storage systems, have played a pivotal role in driving the growth of renewable energy in the developed world. These innovations have improved the efficiency, reliability, and affordability of renewable energy sources, making them more competitive with fossil fuels. The dependence on fossil fuels, often imported from politically unstable regions, has led developed countries to seek alternative energy sources that provide energy security. Renewable energy offers a decentralised and diversified energy supply, reducing vulnerability to supply disruptions and geopolitical risks, further driving its adoption. (3)

The bottom line: what will it cost?

The plummeting costs of renewable energy technologies, particularly wind and solar, have significantly contributed to their increased adoption in developed countries. Technological advancements, economies of scale, and reduced production costs have made renewable energy sources increasingly cost-competitive. Fluctuations in fossil fuel prices have also created favourable conditions for renewable energy deployment. Moreover, emerging countries, with their growing energy demands, also find renewable energy more affordable and cost-competitive than fossil fuels. The declining cost of renewable energy has played a crucial role in incentivising its adoption and facilitating the transition away from fossil fuels. (4)

Value impact for the developed and emerging worlds

Access to affordable financing is vital for emerging countries to implement renewable energy projects. Development banks, private sector equity, and other financing mechanisms have made it easier for these countries to secure funding for renewable energy initiatives. Favourable loan conditions and innovative financial instruments have reduced the financial barriers and risks associated with renewable energy projects, enabling countries to embrace clean energy solutions. By embracing renewable energy, emerging countries can create employment opportunities, enhance human capital development, and promote social and economic inclusivity. (5)

Conclusion: the future’s bright!

Renewable energy growth in both developed and emerging countries is driven by many factors including (but not limited to) climate change concerns, public support, economic incentives, technology advancements, affordable financing, investment opportunities, and job creation. It is crucial for policymakers and stakeholders to be able to understand and leverage these drivers if they are to facilitate the transition to renewable energy sources and achieve sustainable development goals. Renewable energy is the future, and it is here to stay.


(1) The Growing Awareness and Prominence of Environmental Sustainability (

(2) Frontiers | Renewable energy incentives on the road to sustainable development during climate change: A review (

How to End Energy Poverty And Reach Net-Zero Emissions | World Economic Forum (

(3) Solar Technology: What’s the Latest Breakthrough? | EnergySage

These 4 energy storage technologies are key to climate efforts | World Economic Forum (

(4) How much has the cost of renewable energy fallen by since 2010? | World Economic Forum (

Developing countries increasingly adopting renewable energies as costs decline - Oman 2020 - Oxford Business Group

(5) Financing clean energy transitions in emerging and developing economies – Analysis - IEA

5 Ways to Boost Renewable Energy Investment in Developing Nations | World Economic Forum (

Renewable energy jobs rise by 700,000 in a year, to nearly 13 million | UN News

About the Author:

Darren Tompkins is a Client Partner with Pedersen & Partners, based in Houston, Texas.

Darren Tompkins

As part of Mr. Tompkins’ role with Pedersen & Partners, he will focus on the Industrial and Energy sectors in North America. Mr. Tompkins has over 12 years of extensive experience in the Industrial sector, primarily in Oil & Gas, and also in the Non-Profit sector. Prior to joining Pedersen & Partners, he worked with a US-based Executive Search firm, where he focused on partnering with clients to develop their people strategies and successfully deliver Executive Search mandates. Mr. Tompkins is also a former Army Officer, and a decorated veteran. Mr. Tompkins earned a BA in Geography, GIS, and Military Science from the University of South Carolina.

Floating Wind: the growth and future of the offshore wind energy industry

The global offshore wind energy industry is growing, with more countries entering the market, many projects advancing in the pipeline, and more offshore wind capacity being deployed in total.

Floating Wind

Offshore wind resources are by their nature both huge in scale and highly dispersed, considering how much of the planet’s surface area is covered by oceans and seas compared to land mass. Wind speeds offshore are considerably higher than at the equivalent locations onshore, due to the absence of land mass obstacles and the lower surface roughness of water compared to terrestrial features such as forests and savannah.

List of countries by cumulative installed offshore wind power capacity (MW)

List of countries by cumulative installed offshore wind power capacity (MW)

Source: WFO Global Offshore Wind Report

China’s rapid rise through the ranks has shifted the distribution of global offshore wind deployments between the European and Asian markets. Europe still has most of the cumulative installed offshore wind capacity, representing 55.1% of the global total. However, Asia’s market share has sharply increased to 44.8%. The US has traditionally lagged behind Europe when it comes to offshore wind power, but that may be changing. Joe Biden has pledged to build more than 30GW of offshore wind by 2030.

Sweden and Finland are the only countries with a declining installed capacity, due to long permit processes, but in May this year the Swedish government took measures to make it easier to build offshore wind power in the Swedish economic zone by simplifying the application process, and approved two new windfarms on the Swedish west coast.

This year is set to be one of the busiest for offshore wind developers and governments around the world as a multitude of new sites are scheduled to receive offshore wind farm construction. By 2050, installed offshore wind power capacity is expected to reach 1550 GW worldwide, an 80-fold increase compared to the capacity of 2017.

With a well-established offshore wind industry, recognised as one of the oldest in the world, and a mass of experienced talent, European offshore wind is attractive to investors for its political stability, the presence of a full and stable supply chain and clear support via various legal and regulatory frameworks. The offshore landscape in the Asia-Pacific region is more experienced than that in the US, but faces a lack of local expertise which is exacerbated by ongoing regulatory changes. In the US, installed offshore capacity is an immature sector; while there is a strong interest in installing it, the US must overcome challenges in infrastructure and a long lead time for approvals. The US is also facing supply chain issues as it works to achieve its target of 30GW of offshore capacity by 2030.

Floating offshore wind enters the commercialisation phase

The technical exploitable resource potential for offshore wind is a factor of the average wind speed and water depth, as it is only possible to generate electricity from offshore wind resources where turbines can be anchored. Currently, fixed foundation offshore wind turbines can be installed up to around 50 metres (160 ft) of sea depth. Beyond that, floating foundation turbines are required, potentially allowing installation at depths of up to one kilometre (3,300 ft) based on currently proposed technologies.

Floating wind is gaining momentum globally, with large scale deployment taking place in various countries and regions. Floating foundations make wind power accessible in deeper waters where the potential is unlimited, and turbines will be unnoticeable.

Floating wind is advancing at a rapid pace; the demo projects have worked, and now is the time to scale up to large projects. The global pipeline for floating offshore wind energy more than doubled in 2021, from 26,529 MW to 60,746 MW. This growth is attributed to several new projects in South Korea, the United Kingdom, Brazil, and Australia entering the pipeline and beginning their planning phase.

Three floating offshore wind energy projects came online in 2021, totalling 57.1 MW of new capacity. The largest floating offshore wind project built to date (50 MW total—2 MW of which moved from Portugal in 2021), Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm, came online in Scotland (Principle Power, Inc. 2021). A 5.5-MW floating offshore wind energy demonstration project came online in China, which was developed by China Three Gorges Group (Russell 2021). Additionally, the 3.6-MW TetraSpar Demonstration Project was installed in Norway at a water depth of two hundred meters (Stiesdal A/S 2021). These additions brought the total global floating offshore wind energy capacity up to 123.4 MW.

The floating offshore wind industry has been attracting increasing commercial interest over the past few years. Since 2019, the project pipeline has expanded fourfold, mostly because of new projects entering the planning phase. Several companies are developing innovative floating offshore wind platforms for use in deep waters, including spar-buoy, tension-leg platforms, semi-submersible, and barge.

A 2022 analysis by Norwegian Offshore Wind showed that there are more than 100 different floater technologies under development globally, with Norway developing the most, followed by the US and Spain.

Hexicon – first mover in a rapidly expanding market

One of the early project developers in the floating wind field is the Swedish company Hexicon. As a project developer, Hexicon leads the process for the first 2-8 years of a project. During this period Hexicon builds partnerships with local stakeholders and seeks permits to deploy the construction of floating wind farms. Hexicon is involved up until the final investment decision (FID), with its ownership in projects being divested at a premium well before completion and even construction.


TwinWind™ – an advancement of the technology roadmap

The TwinWind™ technology is presented by Hexicon as a game changer in the field of wind energy, as it allows two turbines to be installed on a single foundation.

Twin Wind

This approach offers cost savings and reduces the impact on the environment and surrounding activities. To date, the development of TwinWind™ has progressed through numerical analyses and physical testing using downscaled models. The final step in this verification process, a full-scale offshore installation, will be achieved through the TwinHub project in England, which is being pushed forward towards a final investment decision (FID) by the end of 2023. In addition to the TwinHub project, Hexicon are committed to strengthening their IP portfolio.

The TwinWind™ design is compatible with all major offshore wind turbine designs and can support turbines ranging from 3MW to 15+MW and beyond, evolving as turbine technologies evolve.

Projects and prospects – the path to growth

During the second half of 2022, Hexicon invested heavily into their project portfolio, and have now transitioned over to the second stage of their business plan. This stage includes partial divestments of selected projects and recycling capital, and they have secured a convertible loan of 82.5 MSEK in November to support it. Significant milestones have been achieved in Hexicon’s project portfolio, paving the way for successful sales of the more mature assets, and positioning Hexicon for further growth.


Europe is expected to have the largest floating wind installation by 2030

Hexicon’s operations in Italy have progressed at a rapid pace, with AvenHexicon obtaining priority rights for two large water areas totalling 2,550 MW and securing grid connections for 7,100 MW, meaning tripled capacity in the Italian portfolio. This of course strengthens Hexicon’s position in the rapidly-expanding European market.

South Korea is taking the lead in Asia

One of Hexicon’s key projects is the MunmuBaram project in South Korea. During the project period, Hexicon entered into a preferred turbine supplier agreement with Vestas, which includes the supply and installation of eighty-four units of the V236-15.0 MW turbine. This state-of-the-art machine from Vestas holds 115-meter blades and a swept rotor area equivalent to six soccer fields and represents the first-ever large scale floating offshore wind project for Vestas.

Hexicon Prospects

About the Author:

Jonas Bengtsson

Jonas Bengtsson is a Principal for the Nordic region at Pedersen & Partners. With over a decade of international experience in Executive Search, management consulting, and strategic corporate advisory, Mr. Bengtsson has successfully completed cross-border mandates in the Industrial, Public, NGO, Engineering, Energy, FMCG, and Franchising sectors. In addition to his business track record, Mr. Bengtsson has been a university lecturer in Strategy and Corporate Development and Swedish Labour Law. Prior to joining Pedersen & Partners, Mr. Bengtsson was a Partner at a European Executive Search and Consulting firm, with a specific focus on top leadership public sector mandates and engineering roles for private, public, and family-owned organisations. Before that, he served as a Senior Management Consultant with a global search firm, acting as a key member of the strategy, assessment, on-boarding, and succession planning committees. In addition to his consulting work, Mr. Bengtsson has advised political organisations and NGOs on strategic communication and public relations.

Mr. Bengtsson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Economy from the University of Karlstad, with additional courses on Competitive Intelligence focused on Strategy and Corporate Development. In addition to his native Swedish, Mr. Bengtsson speaks English fluently.

Pedersen & Partners names David Law Man Co Client Partner and Country Manager for China

September 20, 2022 – Shanghai, China – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search and Leadership Consulting firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, has appointed  David Law Man Co as a Client Partner, Country Manager China. In this role, Mr. Law Man Co will be responsible for developing and managing client relationships, as well as leading senior level Executive Search mandates. 

Mr. Law Man Co has approximately 22 years of professional experience in Executive Search and Leadership Consulting in Asia Pacific, including 10 years in executive roles in Greater China in the Telecom, Media, and Consumer Electronics sectors. During his time in Taiwan and China, he has gained extensive experience in Executive Search and Leadership Consulting, with a focus on the Industrial and Technology sectors. Mr. Law Man Co has experience in delivering strategic human capital solutions across the Business Leadership, Commercial, Manufacturing, Supply Chain, and Engineering functions. He built his Executive Search career with a Top 5 international Executive Search firm, where he served as the Head of Search, Industrial & Technology, and also as a Principal based in China, in which capacity he was instrumental in growing the firm’s Industrial and Technology Practices in China. Prior to joining Pedersen & Partners, Mr. Law Man Co was a Partner for the China and Singapore markets at an International Executive Search network, covering the Industrial and Technology Practices, as well as leading the Private Equity/Venture Capital Practice in the APAC region.

Gary Williams

“With his extensive Executive Search and Leadership Consulting experience in the Asian markets, we are delighted to welcome David to our firm at a time of significant growth, particularly in leading our growth in Greater China. We are confident that as a trusted advisor in a dynamic and often volatile business environment, David will drive long-term value to our clients,” said Gary Williams, Chief Executive Officer at Pedersen & Partners.

David Law Man Co

“Pedersen & Partners is uniquely positioned to partner with clients as they strive to achieve their strategic goals. The firm has a highly collaborative and agile team that is well-versed in addressing our clients’ leadership challenges. I am thrilled to be joining a firm which brings exceptional value to clients by way of a fully integrated global footprint and a one team approach of geographic, industry, and domain expertise,” added David Law Man Co, Client Partner and Country Manager for China at Pedersen & Partners.

Pedersen & Partners is a leading international Executive Search and Leadership Consulting firm. We operate 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia & the Americas. Our values Trust, Relationship and Professionalism apply to our interaction with clients as well as executives. More information about Pedersen & Partners is available at

If you would like to conduct an interview with a representative of Pedersen & Partners, or have other media-related requests, please contact: Diana Danu, Marketing and Communications Manager at:

Pedersen & Partners expands its UAE team and welcomes Shayma Ibrahim as a Principal

September 12, 2022 – Dubai, UAE – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search and Leadership Consulting firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, welcomes Shayma Ibrahim as a Principal in Dubai. She will be responsible for business development, Executive Search, and client management across the GCC region.

Shayma Ibrahim is a Principal at Pedersen & Partners, based in Dubai, UAE. Ms. Ibrahim has over a decade of Executive Search experience with a strong focus in the Natural Resources & Energy, Industrial, Supply Chain, Logistics & Transportation, Consumer, Government, Education & Non-Profit, and Family Groups sectors. She built her career at a major global retained Executive Search firm, where she partnered with senior executives in her specialist sectors across the GCC region. At the same time, Ms. Ibrahim established and led the first in-house customer experience department aimed at improving the client experience throughout the lifecycle of the mandate. Prior to her Executive Search career, Ms. Ibrahim gained consulting experience in the USA as an Outplacement Consultant and Certified Mediator, and worked in the Real Estate sector. In 2008, Ms. Ibrahim moved to the United Arab Emirates, where she first worked in Dubai and then in Abu Dhabi in the Information Technologies Security sector.

Michael Al-Nassir

“We are committed to bringing our clients strategic and tactical advice through our expert teams, which provide deeply-rooted industry knowledge, diverse perspectives, and rigorous understanding of leadership team challenges in diverse and multicultural organisations. Shayma has built a reputation for superior client service through long-lasting relationships, and I look forward to working with her as we continue to grow our Global Practices and strengthen our holistic approach,” said Michael Al-Nassir, Partner in charge of developing Pedersen & Partners' presence in Middle East & Africa and the Head of Private Equity Practice APMEA at Pedersen & Partners.

Shayma Ibrahim

“The GCC region offers an abundance of development opportunities for clients looking to strengthen their foothold and expand to other markets. I look forward to further building our capabilities across the region by helping our clients to bring on board talented leaders who will make a meaningful impact on their businesses. Pedersen & Partners’ collaborative style and client-centric approach to search execution is a perfect fit for my own commitment to delivering excellence via pragmatic solutions that drive bottom-line results. I am delighted to join this team, where I look forward to helping our clients build visionary leadership teams,” added Shayma Ibrahim, Principal at Pedersen & Partners.

Pedersen & Partners is a leading international Executive Search firm. We operate 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia & the Americas. Our values Trust, Relationship and Professionalism apply to our interaction with clients as well as executives. More information about Pedersen & Partners is available at

If you would like to conduct an interview with a representative of Pedersen & Partners, or have other media-related requests, please contact: Diana Danu, Marketing and Communications Manager at:

Ana Flores Acuna to join Pedersen & Partners in Mexico City

January 21, 2022 – Mexico City, Mexico – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, has appointed Ana Flores Acuna as a Client Partner and the Head of Industrial Practice – Mexico, based in Mexico City.

Ana Flores Acuna has over 15 years of Executive Search consulting experience focused on developing and managing client relationships, as well as leading searches for local and multinational clients. Throughout the course of her Executive Search career, Ms. Flores Acuna has focused on the Industrial sector, having successfully completed senior-level mandates for clients in automotive, aerospace, construction, mining, and industrial manufacturing. Prior to joining Pedersen & Partners, Ms. Flores Acuna ran a boutique Executive Search firm in Mexico City, where she served as the Managing Partner. Earlier in her career, she worked as an Executive Talent Consultant and career coach, partnering with local search firms in Mexico and guiding senior leaders in transforming their careers. Ms. Flores Acuna’s first Executive Search role was as an Associate Director for a global retained search organisation, and prior to commencing her Executive Search career, she served as the Central America Key Account Manager for ACCO Brands.

Gary Williams

“We are thrilled to have Ana join our global team at Pedersen & Partners. Ana will significantly strengthen our Americas practice with her extensive Executive Search experience in the Americas, combined with her in-depth expertise in the Industrial sector. I am extremely pleased that Ana will be leading the growth of our Industrial Practice in Mexico,” said Gary Williams, CEO at Pedersen & Partners.

Ana Flores Acuna

“I am very much looking forward to building and developing a leading Industrial Practice in Mexico, and working with a truly global and fully integrated platform that focuses on doing what is best for our clients. Pedersen & Partners has a strong global Industrial Practice, and I am excited about the opportunity of contributing to the organisation’s continued growth,” added Ana Flores Acuna, Client Partner and the Head of the Industrial Practice – Mexico at Pedersen & Partners.


Pedersen & Partners is a leading international Executive Search firm. We operate 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia & the Americas. Our values Trust, Relationship and Professionalism apply to our interaction with clients as well as executives. More information about Pedersen & Partners is available at

If you would like to conduct an interview with a representative of Pedersen & Partners, or have other media-related requests, please contact: Diana Danu, Marketing and Communications Manager at:

Krzysztof Chobot joins Pedersen & Partners as a Principal

January 3, 2022 – Warsaw, Poland – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, welcomes Krzysztof Chobot as Principal in Warsaw.

Mr. Chobot draws on more than 15 years of experience in Executive Search, leadership consulting and senior executive placements to recruit C-suite and senior management functional leaders for clients across the Industrial and Manufacturing sectors, as well as in Chemicals, Energy & Utilities, and Construction Materials. Prior to joining Pedersen and Partners, Mr. Chobot served as the Industrial Practice Group Leader for a global talent consultancy, where he was responsible for client services, project delivery, quality control, and business development in both mature and emerging markets. Mr. Chobot has completed over a hundred projects for senior management positions, mostly for international corporations.

Krzysztof Dabrowski

“Krzysztof’s dual global and regional perspective together with his results-oriented approach will be advantageous for our clients who are embracing the future of work, and who look to us to support them with new senior talent strategies ahead of the anticipated changes. His outstanding client relationships and experience will help drive impactful results, amplifying the sourcing, development, and retention of C-suite talent in Poland and globally,” said Krzysztof Dabrowski, Client Partner and the Country Manager for Poland at Pedersen & Partners.

Krzysztof Chobot

“I am thrilled to be joining Pedersen & Partners’ Poland team, which is well-known on the Polish, regional, and global markets for its commitment to source talent creatively across global business lines and geographies in a cooperative, cross-border approach. I was drawn to the opportunity to align with an organisation that I’ve long admired, and work with clients and in industries that I’ve spent my career serving,” added Krzysztof Chobot, Principal at Pedersen & Partners.


Pedersen & Partners is a leading international Executive Search firm. We operate 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia & the Americas. Our values Trust, Relationship and Professionalism apply to our interaction with clients as well as executives. More information about Pedersen & Partners is available at

If you would like to conduct an interview with a representative of Pedersen & Partners, or have other media-related requests, please contact: Diana Danu, Marketing and Communications Manager at:

Michael Larsen joins Pedersen & Partners as a Client Partner

October 1, 2021 – Vienna, Austria – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search company with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, welcomes Michael Larsen as Client Partner in Vienna.

With an international career spanning 30+ years, Mr. Larsen brings a wealth of expertise in business processes, Executive Search, HR, and Leadership Advisory. Over the years, he has successfully developed strategic structures, processes, and people-first organisations, working for several corporate, matrixed organisations. He served for more than a decade in management roles in banking institutions, and subsequently started his 17-year search career with leadership roles in Denmark, Australia, South Africa and Austria. For the last 8 years of his tenure, Mr. Larsen managed business operations and completed numerous senior-level engagements for clients across a variety of business sectors: Industry, IT, Fashion, and Banking. Prior to joining Pedersen & Partners, Mr. Larsen worked in senior global HR functions in multinational companies listed on the German DAX and the Austrian ATX stock exchange.

Katharina Kaiser

“We are thrilled to welcome Michael to Pedersen & Partners and to further expand our leadership team building expertise across our Practice Groups, with a special focus on the Industrial & Consumer Practice. Michael brings a solid track record of delivery within Executive Search as well as a strong business acumen. We are on course for further growth throughout 2021, working with a wide spectrum of organisations to identify the best suited leadership globally,”  said Katharina Kaiser, Country Manager for Austria at Pedersen & Partners.

Michael LarsenI am excited to join the firm and I look forward to providing strategic leadership advice and detailed talent market analysis to global, regional, and local clients who value the robust service we are offering. Pedersen & Partners is continuing its growth momentum and I trust that my combination of business operations and executive recruitment expertise will help expand the Pedersen & Partners brand into an even greater array of markets,” added Michael Larsen, Client Partner at Pedersen & Partners.


Pedersen & Partners is a leading international Executive Search firm. We operate 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia & the Americas. Our values Trust, Relationship and Professionalism apply to our interaction with clients as well as executives. More information about Pedersen & Partners is available at

If you would like to conduct an interview with a representative of Pedersen & Partners, or have other media-related requests, please contact: Diana Danu, Marketing and Communications Manager at:

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