Regardless of whether you are based in China, Europe or the Americas, the pandemic has opened up new ways of working and collaborating in a matter of months. Workplaces of all kinds, including hospitals, schools, and offices have been forced to fast-track remote working and digitalisation agendas in response to compulsory lockdowns and enforced social distancing.
  • Insights
  • Life Science
  • Healthcare
  • Health Technology
  • Telehealth
  • Medtech
  • Drug Development
October 19, 2020 – Texas, USA – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is pleased to announce that Casey Fisher has joined the firm as a Senior Advisor to the Global Supply Chain & Logistics practice, based in the United States.
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  • Global
  • Supply Chain
  • Logistics
  • General Management
  • Top Management
  • Business Development
  • Consulting
  • United States
  • USA
  • America
October 19, 2020 – Jakarta, Indonesia – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is pleased to announce that Vera Adjas has joined the Jakarta office of the firm as a Client Partner.
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  • HR Consulting
  • Executive Search
  • Human Capital Management
  • Natural Resources
  • Energy
  • Manufacturing
  • Telecommunications
  • Health Services
  • Consumer Goods
  • Public Sector
  • Indonesia
Brian Cartwright, Client Partner, Supply Chain and Logistics for Pedersen & Partners, and regular contributor to Global Supply Chain, meets exclusively with Hussein Wehbe, CEO, Fetchr, to discuss a wide spectrum of issues from the current state of his company’s business, priorities, his vision for the future and how technology is altering and reforming the industry landscape.
  • In the media
  • Supply Chain
  • Logistics
  • emerging markets
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Technology
  • Europe
  • Dubai
  • UAE
  • Middle East
  • Brian Cartwright
October 6, 2020 – Bangkok, Thailand – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is pleased to announce that Nisit Krutkaew has been appointed as the Country Manager for Thailand.
  • Press Releases
  • Thailand
Earlier this year, the COVID-19 pandemic immediately drew the world’s attention to the fact that major issues can arise due to supply chain disruptions. It has become clear that individuals and organisations are far too dependent on extended global supply chain networks. The failure of supply chains in the life science and healthcare sector during a global pandemic can be a literal matter of life and death. In preparing this article, we sought insights from Pedersen & Partners colleagues who…
  • Insights
  • Pharma
  • Supply Chain
  • leadership
  • Life Sciences
  • Healthcare
The digital transformation journey requires the repositioning of IT in the organisation. For an organisation’s digital transformation to succeed, IT must evolve from a cost centre to an integral part of the value chain towards the customer. Many asset-heavy companies transform into “technology” companies where data comes to supplant many of the assets previously listed on the balance sheet, driving customer experience and allowing the creation of new business models. As a result, many formerly outsourced or “…
  • Insights
  • Technology
  • Digital
  • IT
  • Digital Transformation
  • Peter D'Autry
  • Paramita Lahiri
Chris Barrett, Client Partner for Pedersen & Partners’ Houston office, interviewed Orianna Bretschger and Sofia Babanova for the “Women Leaders – Driving Change” series. Bretschger and Babanova are both experienced scientists, with a diverse and advanced background in electrochemistry, physics, biochemistry, microbiology, material science and analytical chemistry. Together, they founded the award-winning startup Aquacycl, which provides technologies for safe, reliable and cost-effective wastewater treatment.…
  • Insights
  • Renewable Energy
  • Recycle
  • Technology
  • Science
  • USA
  • Chris Barrett
September 8, 2020 – Istanbul, Turkey – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is pleased to announce that Ceren Donmez has rejoined the firm as a Consultant in Istanbul, Turkey.
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  • Business Development
  • Marketing
  • Sales
  • Project Management
  • Turkey
  • South Korea
In a recent Bannerflow survey[1], 90% of brand clients are confident about taking the step to go in-house. Brand owners are reaping the benefits of ditching marketing agencies and moving more and more of their digital operations in-house, with nearly three-fifths (58%) of the surveyed client marketers witnessing a positive return on investment from the switch, including enhanced use of data, greater collaboration, improved efficiency, and boosts to creativity. Of the client marketers who observed an increase in…
  • Insights
  • In-house
  • Transparency
  • Cost-saving
  • Agility
  • Brand
  • Creativity
  • APAC
  • Global
  • Retail
  • Consumer
  • Kristian Pedersen
  • Jean-Michel Wu
During the last couple of years, we have been working intensively with large firms that aspire to drive digital change, and also with growing companies whose business models are based on digital platforms. In both cases, we have experienced a significant difference in mindset and culture compared to large traditional firms. This article highlights the main elements of these cultural differences.
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Biometric customer recognition, virtual reality dressing rooms and the seamless merger of retail with technology, media and entertainment – this is not science fiction, but the reality of consumer retail in Asia. In China, which is responsible for almost half of the world's e-retail sales, every smartphone comes with an app that can display, locate, order and pay for items from any online or retail store.
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  • Insights
March 14th, 2017 – Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 56 wholly owned offices in 52 countries, is pleased to announce that Jaap den Hartog has joined its Amsterdam team as Principal.
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  • Amsterdam
  • Netherlands
March 7th, 2017 – Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 56 wholly owned offices in 52 countries, is pleased to announce that Peter Crul has joined its Amsterdam team as Client Partner.
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  • Amsterdam
  • Netherlands
Vienna, Austria – If you want to look back at a long and successful professional life in your old age, you should take the right steps now.
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
Prague, Czech Republic – At a recent annual event organised jointly by Pedersen & Partners and the law firm CMS, over 150 participants marked the 25th anniversary of the Private Equity (PE) industry in Central and Eastern Europe.
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  • Prague
  • Czech Republic
Riga, Latvia – As the recruitment market in Latvia continues to grow, recruitment and Executive Search players strive to find their own niche and focus, while expanding their scope internationally.
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  • Riga
  • Latvia
January 17th, 2017 – Kiev, Ukraine – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 56 wholly owned offices in 52 countries, is pleased to announce that Ekaterina Kharitonskaya has joined its Ukrainian team as a Consultant.
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  • Kiev
  • Ukraine
January 9th, 2017 – Amsterdam, the Netherlands – Pedersen & Partners is proud to announce the opening of its office in Amsterdam. Founded in 2001, Pedersen & Partners has become an established provider of Executive Search services internationally, with 56 wholly owned offices in 52 countries across Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Asia and the Americas. At Pedersen & Partners, consultants work as one team worldwide, in one global profit centre – a truly globally-integrated firm,…
  • Press Releases
  • Amsterdam
  • Netherlands
9 januari 2017 – Amsterdam – Pedersen & Partners is trots haar nieuwe kantoor in Amsterdam te openen. Sinds de oprichting in 2001 is Pedersen & Partners, met 56 eigen kantoren in 52 landen, uitgegroeid tot een erkende aanbieder van internationale executive search services in Europa, Midden Oosten, Azië, Afrika en Noord- en Zuid America. Bij Pedersen & Partners werken consultants wereldwijd als één team, in één wereldwijd profit center; een werkelijk geïntegreerd executive search bureau…
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  • Amsterdam
  • Netherlands
Cape Town, South Africa – Top executives in the world’s largest companies are taking home an average annual salary of R23m (approximately €1.45m), according to a global study.
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  • Cape Town
  • South Africa
Vienna, Austria – Although we are taught to work independently, learning efficient delegation skills could have a great influence on  one’s career.
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
Riga, Latvia – Evita Lune, Partner at Pedersen & Partners shares her insights with „Dienas Bizness“ on executive compensation for Latvian top managers.
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  • Riga
  • Latvia
Dubai, United Arab Emirates – Women in telecoms are witnessing a positive change in terms of gender inclusion in the sector but they highlight that there is still a long way to find balance in the sector.
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  • Dubai
  • United Arab Emirates
New York, USA – While dozens of the world’s largest companies have signed pledges urging “the world’s leaders to reach an ambitious climate deal” at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, and vowed to reduce their businesses’ environmental impact, only a handful put CEO pay on the line.
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  • New York
  • USA
Vienna, Austria – In Germany, an expensive MBA rarely guarantees an increase in salary. However, it could still boost your career.
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
Riga, Latvia – Evita Lune, Partner at Pedersen & Partners speaks to „Dienas Bizness“ about dress codes and ethics in the business environment.
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  • Riga
  • Latvia
Madrid, Spain –  Alberto Bocchieri, Partner and Co-head for Spain and Latin America at Pedersen & Partners speaks to „Equipos y Talento.“                       Pedersen & Partners is a rapidly-growing global Executive Search firm with a strong presence in emerging markets. The firm was founded by Poul Pedersen 15 years ago, and has subsequently grown very steadily, expanding its presence to 50 countries. In December 2011, Pedersen…
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  • Madrid
  • Spain
Lima, Peru – The economic slowdown is having a significant effect on corporate hiring decisions. Staff selection is inextricably linked to the economic situation across all sectors.
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  • Lima
  • Peru
Nicosia, Cyprus – Christiana Kyriacou, the Country Manager for Cyprus at Pedersen & Partners speaks to "Eurokerdos Magazine" about the advantages of Executive Search.
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  • Nicosia
  • Cyprus
Si para posiciones de Comité de Dirección es importante elegir bien al candidato, en el caso del CFO es doblemente importante.  El CFO trabaja con información sensible, compleja y confidencial. Un buen CFO ayuda a tomar decisiones acertadas, adelantarse a posibles contingencias, evaluar riesgos y asegurar la liquidez. Sin embargo, elegir mal al CFO conlleva importantes riesgos de negocio y reputacionales.
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  • Madrid
  • Spain
Die Auswahl des richtigen Bewerbers ist für alle Positionen im Lenkungsausschuss wichtig. Dies gilt in besonderem Maße für den CFO, der mit heiklen, komplexen und vertraulichen Daten zu tun hat. Ein fähiger CFO hilft dem Unternehmen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, Eventualitäten vorherzusehen, Risiken zu bewerten und die Liquidität sicherzustellen. Im Gegenzug bringt die Einstellung des falschen CFO signifikante Geschäfts- und Reputationsrisiken mit sich.
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  • Munich
  • Germany
  • Vienna
  • Austria
Vienna, Austria - Getting the job of your dreams is easy-provided you go about it the right way. The approach you need to take involves your network of contacts, but it is completely different from what most people would think.
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
Vienna, Austria - “Statutory income limits only foster mediocrity and do not make salaries more legitimate”
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
February 3rd, 2015 – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – The war for talent in Saudi Arabia is heating up as the Saudization program puts pressure on companies to increase the number of Saudi National employees and retain existing employees.
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  • Ridiyah
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Dubai
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Insights
Vienna, Austria - Many questions surround compensation and salaries. Which industry pays well? Who deserves what? Do we deserve more than we get? Salary expert Conrad Pramböck tries to answer these questions in our new series Salary 2014. The first industry analysis will follow in two weeks’ time. For now, all we can reveal is that it will be a hot summer.
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
Kiev, Ukraine - The past 12 months have seen a 3.5% increase in the average value of the monetary compensation earned by senior executives holding key positions in the largest companies in the world – up to €1.4 million per year. This increase occurred across both revenue components, with the base salary increasing by 3.1% to €681 thousand, and short-term bonuses increasing by 4.2% to €719 thousand. These conclusions come from global research conducted this autumn by the international recruiting…
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  • Kiev
  • Ukraine
Prague, Czech Republic - Růst příjmů kapitánů globální ekonomiky zpomaluje a na rozdíl od období před krizí se musí manažerská práce více odrazit ve výsledcích firmy. Průměrný big boss velké globální korporace si měsíčně přijde na v přepočtu něco kolem 3,2 miliónu korun, to je o 3,5 procenta více než loni. Necelou polovinu z této částky má zaručenu ve formě fixní mzdy, o rozhodující části manažerských příjmů však rozhodují akcionáři firmy. Ti mohou, ale nemusí odměnit šéfy formou bonusů.
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  • Prague
  • Czech Republic
Germany - Eigentlich werden Höchstverdiener in westlichen Großkonzernen ähnlich bezahlt, zeigt eine Studie. Zuletzt haben sie sich bei Gehaltssteigerungen sogar gemäßigt. Doch die Lenker weltweiter Konzernriesen verdienen noch immer üppig - und das nicht nur in den USA.
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  • Munich
  • Germany
Almaty, Kazakhstan - Руководители высшего звена в крупнейших компаниях мира в среднем получили в 2014 денежную компенсацию в размере 1,4 млн евро – на 3,5% больше, чем год назад
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  • Almaty
  • Kazakhstan