March 5, 2021 – Bangkok, Thailand – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is pleased to announce that Charupat Sangwong has joined the firm in Thailand as Principal.
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March 1, 2021 – China – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is pleased to announce that Caroline Qian has joined the firm in the Shanghai office as a Principal.
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  A Russian perspective on the pandemic 2020 will be remembered as a year of major unexpected changes, in our personal lives and in the corporate world. Companies all over the world and across most economic sectors faced challenges on a scale that has not been seen for decades. Since February, companies have been struggling to preserve the continuity and viability of their business, while at the same time guaranteeing the safety of their employees.
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The future of agriculture will be directly impacted by two of humanity’s biggest challenges: population growth and climate change. With more mouths to feed, less planet to feed them on, and increasingly alarming predictions of environmental shifts, agricultural innovators must figure out how to grow more food, faster and with fewer resources. The implementation of digital technologies will help scale up the planet’s food production mechanisms sustainably.
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January 29, 2021 – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2021. The firm was founded in Prague and Warsaw in January 2001, and has achieved unprecedented growth by providing world-class Executive Search services to its clients.
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January 8, 2021 – Singapore – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is pleased to announce that Ruchika Gokarn will be our new Client Partner in the Singapore office.
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January 8, 2021 – Shanghai, China – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is pleased to announce that Olivia Zhou will be joining the Shanghai office as a Consultant.
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Introduction On a global scale, the packaging industry is an enormous economic generator. The global packaging market, valued at $589.9 billion in 2015, will be worth $770.5 billion by 2020. Smithers statistics indicate that demand for the world packaging industry will reach $1.05 trillion by 2024.
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During the start of the coronavirus pandemic, the Global Business Services (GBS) industry performed well, making a relatively smooth and fast transition to remote working without significant disruption to its service delivery. This adaptability has given businesses a little breathing room to try to recover from this shock by focusing on their customers and suppliers, knowing that their core operations will continue to function strongly.
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The “digital” buzzword is to today's business world what “internet” was in the 1990s. And "digital transformation" covers a wide range of new (but different) technologies now in the same way that "the internet" once did, encompassing innovations such as big data analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and robotic process re-engineering. Yet it is a deceptive half-truth to assume that the deployment of bleeding-edge technology is all that is needed for digital success.
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Houston, USA – When nuclear fission was first discovered, many people imagined that the energy released from splitting atoms could provide a never-ending source of cheap energy powering a utopian society of flying cars and ubiquitous robots. More than half a century later, nuclear energy is as scorned and unpopular as “dirty” fossil fuels.
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Bogotá, Colombia – “We tend to overestimate the impact of technology in the short term and underestimate it in the long run” – Amara Law –
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Bogotá, Colombia “Tendemos a sobreestimar el impacto de la tecnología en el corto plazo y subestimarlo en el largo plazo” – Ley de Amara –
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Lima, Peru – With more than two decades of uninterrupted economic growth and single-digit inflation, the Peruvian economy provides a sharp contrast to those of other LATAM countries. The Central Reserve Bank (BCR) has projected that Peru will continue to lead the economic growth in the region for 2017 [1].
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Toronto, Canada – What’s shaping the future of the mining industry? What are the large producers, the mid tiers, and the junior players doing to surmount social, environmental, regulatory, and economic hurdles? What are the executive challenges for 2017?
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Tallinn, Estonia – Global Fast-Moving Consumer Goods companies need to have strategic presence in every country – or to be more precise, the physical availability of their best-known brands in stores (numeric and weighted distribution as key KPIs) is crucial. Although e-commerce in consumer goods is constantly developing, and represents a priority for corporate management teams across the globe, physical stores will remain important for the foreseeable future, and so consumer goods companies…
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Madrid, Spain – Accountability is one of those buzzwords that is often tossed about as essential in the business environment. However, in many cases only lip service is paid to an ideal that few companies actually meet. The fact is that accountability must be top-down; regardless of the company's size, industry or ownership structure, the board must assess its own performance in meeting the company’s goals.
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May 4th, 2017 – Tallinn, Estonia – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 56 wholly owned offices in 52 countries, is pleased to announce that Kairi Raudmets has joined its Tallinn team as a Consultant.
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Houston, USA – Nobody can doubt China’s commitment to clean energy. China is now recognized as the global superpower in renewables, and it has established its dominance through huge investments. Conversely, the US is starting to lag behind in its clean energy commitments, which not only poses an environmental risk but could seriously damage its economy and job market.
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Vienna, Austria – Imagine going to your boss and requesting a 10% pay increase, only to be told: “That’s not possible – get back to work!” What happens next? There are two possibilities – either you leave for a new position with a bigger salary, or continue to work at the same job with the same salary, but the final outcome primarily depends on who has the better BATNA.
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Madrid, Spain – Workplace gender equality is the subject of research and discussion all over the world. While the specific numbers and reasons for the pay gap differ, the problem still persists. Pedersen & Partners' Client Partner Puri Paniagua analyses the gender pay gap in the region in an interview with Spain’s national broadcaster RTVE.
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Vienna, Austria – Continuous career advancement is a thing of the past; these days the career ladder can go down as well as up. 
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Riga, Latvia – Evita Lune, Partner at Pedersen & Partners speaks to Ir Nauda for the Business Etiquette column.
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Lisbon, Portugal – Interview with “Human Resources Portugal.” I am proud to look back on my nineteen-year career in management consulting, during which I have focused on reorganisations due to process reengineering, system implementations, cultural changes, and similar transformation projects. My experiences in numerous European and African countries across a diverse range of sectors (Industrial, Consumer Goods, Retail, Banking, Oil & Gas and Telecommunications) have given me a broad-…
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Madrid, Spain – These days, technology has acquired a unique glamour and allure. Every day brings extensive IT coverage in the economic and general news media, and everybody wants to be a tech-driven digital player.
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Vilnius, Lithuania – According to a recent survey conducted by international Executive Search firm Pedersen & Partners, the annual gross compensation earned by top executives in the world’s largest companies averaged 1.45 million Euros in 2015, an increase of 3.8% over the previous year. The Lithuanian average of 79,900 Euros may seem rather modest in comparison, but Lithuanian executives still out-earn their counterparts in Latvia and Estonia.
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Tbilisi, Georgia – The average salary of a top executive manager in Georgia is USD 58,300 gross per year. This amount comprises an average base salary of USD 48,700 plus a bonus of USD 9,600 on top. Pharmaceutical companies, oil, energy, and manufacturing industries are among the sectors with the highest salary levels in Georgia.
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Madrid, Spain – In the field of employment, Puri Paniagua sees no differences between men and women in terms of technical capabilities, but she does perceive distinctive characteristics in terms of women’s leadership technique and lack of aggression that may be prejudicial to their professional careers. Puri currently works at Pedersen & Partners, a leading Executive Search firm that finds top managerial and executive talent for companies around the world. Prior to joining Pedersen &…
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Vilnius, Lithuania – Companies are better-placed to cope with possible future risks if they have formulated succession plans for their top executives and key employees, and are ready, willing and able to replace departing personnel. Leading Lithuanian oil company Klaipedos Nafta planned ahead and prepared its future leaders, and this groundwork proved invaluable when their General Manager accepted an offer to become the Lithuanian Minister of Energy.
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Bogotá, Colombia − We usually discuss and publish articles and recommendations on the things that executives – the leaders of organisations – need in order to perform to the utmost and be the best leaders they can be. However, we sometimes forget that these executives, these great leaders, were once up-and-coming young hopefuls with big ideas and a strong will to win, always seeking companies that would give them the opportunity to develop their talent.
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Madrid, Spain – The most recent forecasts from the Bank of Spain predicted that the national economy would increase by 2.5% in the first quarter of 2015. In 2014, the bank predicted that economic growth would increase by 2% through 2015, but has since raised this projection to 2.8%. The European Commission and IMF have also raised their forecasts to 2.8% and 2.5%. 2014 was the first year since the 2008 real-estate crash that Spain experienced economic growth (1.4%).
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Bogotá, Colombia – A few years ago, Professor Michael Porter was invited to Colombia by the Social Foundation to celebrate their centennial. He was asked in an interview why competitiveness is important, and he explained that competitiveness, if properly understood, is the root of prosperity. The main idea of competitiveness is productivity; every place and every nation has certain geographical resources, including the people who live there. The way in which we take advantage of those…
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Sofia, Bulgaria - All major corporations and a significant number of small and medium entities have a Chief Financial Officer (CFO – also known as a Financial Director). The CFO is responsible for the company's day-to-day financial accounting and reporting, and the overall strategic direction of its development. The CFO is also the Executive Director's right-hand man, and a key figure on the Board of Directors, as he actively participates in defining the company's long-term strategy, evaluating…
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May 19th, 2015 - Munich, Germany - Slowly but surely, governments and legislators are becoming aware of the need to integrate women further into the corporate world. It is widely recognized that women should be encouraged to take more prominent top roles, not just because they have a right to do so, but because their potential and skill sets are of incredible value, and the perfect complement and a necessary balance to the strengths of men.
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19. Mai 2015 - München, Deutschland - Langsam aber sicher erkennen Regierungen und Gesetzgeber, dass es nötig ist, Frauen umfassender in die Geschäftswelt einzubinden. Es ist eine allgemein anerkannte Tatsache, dass Frauen bestärkt werden sollen, wichtige Ämter zu übernehmen: nicht nur, weil sie das Recht dazu haben, sondern weil ihre Leistungen und Fähigkeiten – als perfekte Ergänzung und notwendiges Gegengewicht zu männlichen Stärken – von unschätzbarem Wert sind.
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May 5th 2015, Johannesburg, South Africa - 2015 is a crucial year for Africa’s economic development. Summits in Nairobi, Addis Ababa, Paris and New York will facilitate international cooperation, with Africa and its partners playing critical roles in shaping the continent's economic future. In September, at the United Nations General Assembly, global leaders are presumed to sanction Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Africa is at the forefront…
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Hong Kong, China - From a global perspective, the number of women in executive positions has stagnated in recent years. In corporations, around 50% of employees in entry-level occupations are women, with the proportion of women in senior and management roles drastically declining. Globally speaking, only 3-4% of CEOs are women. Grant Thornton International Business Report states in its 2014 annual survey that the percentage of women in senior positions remains at 24%, unchanged from its findings…
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April 20th 2015, Dubai, UAE - The Gulf countries are gradually transitioning from oil-based economies to services and knowledge-based economies. Within this transition, it is becoming critically important to leverage the availability of the existing foreign human capital pool (expatriates), and at the same time diversify risk by accelerating investment in higher education institutions, start-ups and IT innovations – creating a skilled talent pool to address the anticipated economy growth.
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While it is important to choose the right candidate for all Steering Committee positions, it is doubly important to make the right choice for the CFO, who works with sensitive, complex and confidential information. A good CFO helps make sound decisions, anticipate contingencies, assess risks and ensure liquidity. Equally, choosing the wrong CFO carries significant business and reputational risks.
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