Dubai, United Arab Emirates - The ACN IT survey received 386 qualified responses from IT professionals working in the Middle East.
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  • Dubai
  • United Arab Emirates
Vienna, Austria - Many questions surround compensation and salaries. Which industry pays well? Who deserves what? Do we deserve more than we get? Salary expert Conrad Pramböck tries to answer these questions in our new series Salary 2014. The first industry analysis will follow in two weeks’ time. For now, all we can reveal is that it will be a hot summer.
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
Vienna, Austria - Many questions surround compensation and salaries. Which industry pays well? Who deserves what? Do we deserve more than we get? Salary expert Conrad Pramböck tries to answer these questions in our new series Salary 2014. The first industry analysis will follow in two weeks’ time. For now, all we can reveal is that it will be a hot summer.
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
Bucharest, Romania - As with most foreigners who come to Romania, Ulrik was drawn by the tale of Dracula. And as with many foreigners who come to Romania, he fell in love with a local girl – who happened to be an attorney at one of the greatest law firms in the country. Ulrik Rasmussen is a former footballer and globetrotter; these days he is a Partner at a top executive search firm. He says that Pedersen & Partners is no ordinary recruiter of top and middle management, but provides unique…
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  • Bucharest
  • Romania
Riga, Latvia - Evita Lune, Partner at Pedersen & Partners talks to ”Ir Nauda” about the practical value of an MBA from the view point of an executive search expert.
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  • Riga
  • Latvia
Kiev, Ukraine - The past 12 months have seen a 3.5% increase in the average value of the monetary compensation earned by senior executives holding key positions in the largest companies in the world – up to €1.4 million per year. This increase occurred across both revenue components, with the base salary increasing by 3.1% to €681 thousand, and short-term bonuses increasing by 4.2% to €719 thousand. These conclusions come from global research conducted this autumn by the international recruiting…
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  • Kiev
  • Ukraine
Kiev, Ukraine - The past 12 months have seen a 3.5% increase in the average value of the monetary compensation earned by senior executives holding key positions in the largest companies in the world – up to €1.4 million per year. This increase occurred across both revenue components, with the base salary increasing by 3.1% to €681 thousand, and short-term bonuses increasing by 4.2% to €719 thousand. These conclusions come from global research conducted this autumn by the international recruiting…
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  • Kiev
  • Ukraine
Riga, Latvia - Global trends in Human Resource Management set the tone for Latvian enterprises. The responsibilities and competences of Human Resource Managers are increasing.
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  • Riga
  • Latvia
Prague, Czech Republic - Růst příjmů kapitánů globální ekonomiky zpomaluje a na rozdíl od období před krizí se musí manažerská práce více odrazit ve výsledcích firmy. Průměrný big boss velké globální korporace si měsíčně přijde na v přepočtu něco kolem 3,2 miliónu korun, to je o 3,5 procenta více než loni. Necelou polovinu z této částky má zaručenu ve formě fixní mzdy, o rozhodující části manažerských příjmů však rozhodují akcionáři firmy. Ti mohou, ale nemusí odměnit šéfy formou bonusů.
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  • Prague
  • Czech Republic
Prague, Czech Republic - Růst příjmů kapitánů globální ekonomiky zpomaluje a na rozdíl od období před krizí se musí manažerská práce více odrazit ve výsledcích firmy. Průměrný big boss velké globální korporace si měsíčně přijde na v přepočtu něco kolem 3,2 miliónu korun, to je o 3,5 procenta více než loni. Necelou polovinu z této částky má zaručenu ve formě fixní mzdy, o rozhodující části manažerských příjmů však rozhodují akcionáři firmy. Ti mohou, ale nemusí odměnit šéfy formou bonusů.
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  • Prague
  • Czech Republic