Partner Ulrik Rasmussen was quoted by on the advantages of graduating from a Central or an Eastern European business school, the limited applicability of North American and West European curricula case studies to the CEE markets, as well as steps to be taken by regional business schools so as to offer a more practical experience to aspiring students.
  • In the media
  • Ulrik Rasmussen
  • MBA
  • CEE
  • Central Eastern Europe
Oslo, Norway – Pedersen & Partners Executive Search and Simonsen Vogt Wiig, a leading commercial law firm, co-hosted the Global Opportunities in FinTech event in Oslo at the end of August. The event was specifically designed for Norwegian FinTechs, and offered insights on FinTech global capital market activities, regulatory aspects to consider, commercialization and scaling required to succeed globally in FinTech. Among the key speakers were:  
  • Insights
  • FinTech
  • Oslo
  • Norway
  • Law
  • Executive Search
Kyiv, Ukraine – Every year, companies in the agricultural sector show an increasing need for top managers who excel at both strategy and revenue generation. The editors of discussed the challenges of finding top agricultural executives with Vladimir Kolomoets, Country Manager for Ukraine at the international Executive Search firm Pedersen & Partners.
  • In the media
  • Top manager
  • Agriculture
  • Agricultural sector
  • Ukraine
  • Kyiv
  • Vladimir Kolomoets
August 6, 2019 – Dubai, UAE – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 57 wholly owned offices in 53 countries, is pleased to announce that Brian Cartwright will be joining the firm’s Supply Chain & Logistics sub-practice as a Client Partner in Dubai.
  • Press Releases
  • Dubai
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Logistics
  • Supply Chain
Kyiv, Ukraine – Systematisation is an essential process for accurately assessing a company’s operations, the way in which its employees work, and the potential consequences of their work. Throughout my Executive Search career, I have identified four main types of managers in Ukraine.
  • In the media
  • Top managers
  • management
  • types of managers
  • Ukraine
  • Kyiv
  • Vladimir Kolomoets
Sofia, Bulgaria – In late June, the Pedersen & Partners Sofia team were delighted to host their annual local “Business Meets Culture” initiative – bringing Sofia business executives and the Bulgarian intellectual and artistic elite together, and aiming to enhance cooperation and exchange between them. This year, the leading roles were taken by the celebrated Bulgarian stage and screen stars Ivan Barnev and Margita Gosheva. The event was held in the conference hall of the COSMOS Co-working Camp…
  • Insights
  • Business
  • Culture
  • Bulgaria
  • Sofia
  • Irena Bushandrova
This series consists of short three-question interviews conducted by Gautier Vasseur, Partner at Pedersen & Partners, with experts in the sports industry, to gain insights into the strategic governance and human capital challenges faced by sports organisations.
  • Insights
  • FIBA
  • Sport
  • Switzerland
  • Gautier Vasseur
July 8, 2019 – Malmo, Sweden  Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 57 wholly owned offices in 53 countries, is delighted to announce the appointment of Ronny Andersson as a Principal for the Nordic region.
  • Press Releases
  • Nordics
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Industrial
  • consumer products
July 1st,  2019 – Dubai, UAE – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 57 wholly owned offices in 53 countries, announced that founder Poul Pedersen, after over 18 years as Managing Partner, will be assuming the role of Executive Chairman. Gary Williams, former Deputy Managing Partner, has been appointed CEO.
  • Press Releases
  • Dubai
  • CEO succession plan
  • Leadership change
  • board succession
  • Management succession
  • chairman
  • CEO
  • chief executive officer
June 3, 2019 – Milan, Italy – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 57 wholly owned offices in 53 countries, has appointed Gianluca Orecchini as a Client Partner and the Global Head of Engineering Practice.
  • Press Releases
  • Engineering
  • Head
  • Client Partner
  • Milan
  • Italy
Dubai, United Arab Emirates – The high-tech sector has a reputation as a dynamic, fast-changing and very demanding corporate environment due to the industry’s insatiable demand for never-ending innovation. The key success factor for every IT company is its capacity to predict and address industry and market trends (the R&D road map), in order to ensure that its intellectual property is well protected, and that it can commercialise, launch and monetise technological innovations…
  • Press Releases
  • Insights
  • Dubai
  • United Arab Emirates
November 16th, 2015 – Lisbon, Portugal – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 56 wholly owned offices in 52 countries, is proud to announce the opening of its office in Lisbon, Portugal. This is Pedersen & Partners’ 34th established office in Europe, and follows the recent launches of offices in the U.S. and Mexico.
  • Press Releases
  • Lisbon
  • Portugal
16 de Novembro, 2015 – Lisboa, Portugal – Pedersen & Partners, empresa internacional líder de Executive Search, com 56 escritórios próprios em 52 países, tem o orgulho de anunciar a abertura do seu escritório em Lisboa, Portugal. Este é o 34º escritório da Pedersen & Partners na Europa, e surge na sequência da recente inauguração de escritórios nos Estados Unidos e no México.
  • Press Releases
  • Lisbon
  • Portugal
November 12th, 2015 – Moscow, Russia – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 55 wholly owned offices in 51 countries, today announced the appointment of Mikhail Yelizarov as Principal in its Moscow team.
  • Press Releases
  • Moscow
  • Russia
12 ноября 2015 – Москва, Россия – Pedersen & Partners, ведущая международная компания, специализирующаяся на подборе менеджеров высшего звена (Executive Search), имеющая 55 интегрированных офисов по всему миру, объявила сегодня о назначении Михаила Елизарова ведущим консультантом московского офиса компании.
  • Press Releases
  • Moscow
  • Russia
Bogotá, Colombia − One of the topics under discussion at the World Economic Forum on Latin America in Rio de Janeiro was "Innovation,” and the following areas were identified as most relevant for our region:
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  • Insights
  • Bogota
  • Colombia
Nairobi, Kenya – Due to the rise of business development initiatives and FDIs (foreign direct investments) within East Africa, leaders are in positions where they must empathize with the complex work environments in which they operate. This involves grasping dynamics on the ground, fulfilling the company vision and satisfying the complex interests of foreign and national stakeholders.
  • Press Releases
  • Insights
  • Nairobi
  • Kenya
November 2nd, 2015  – The annual gross compensation for top executives in the world’s largest companies averages 1.45 million Euros, an increase of 3.8% over the previous year. This compensation comprises an average base salary of 711,600 Euros and an annual bonus of 738,400 Euros. The base salaries of top executives have increased by 4.5% on average, with the variable compensation increasing by 2.7%.
  • Press Releases
  • Insights
  • Vienna
  • Austria
Bogotá, Colombia − Most of us have heard the term “motivation” thousands of times in various areas of our lives. Companies are increasingly concerned about “getting the best talent” and ensuring that this great talent is motivated.
  • Press Releases
  • Insights
  • Bogota
  • Colombia
October 22nd, 2015 – Madrid, Spain – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 55 wholly owned offices in 51 countries, today announced the launch of its collaboration with eminent business management expert, strategist and business author Giuseppe Tringali.
  • Press Releases
  • Madrid
  • Spain
Vienna, Austria - Many questions surround compensation and salaries. Which industry pays well? Who deserves what? Do we deserve more than we get? Salary expert Conrad Pramböck tries to answer these questions in our new series Salary 2014. The first industry analysis will follow in two weeks’ time. For now, all we can reveal is that it will be a hot summer.
  • In the media
  • Insights
  • Vienna
  • Austria
Bucharest, Romania - As with most foreigners who come to Romania, Ulrik was drawn by the tale of Dracula. And as with many foreigners who come to Romania, he fell in love with a local girl – who happened to be an attorney at one of the greatest law firms in the country. Ulrik Rasmussen is a former footballer and globetrotter; these days he is a Partner at a top executive search firm. He says that Pedersen & Partners is no ordinary recruiter of top and middle management, but provides unique…
  • In the media
  • Bucharest
  • Romania
Riga, Latvia - Evita Lune, Partner at Pedersen & Partners talks to ”Ir Nauda” about the practical value of an MBA from the view point of an executive search expert.
  • In the media
  • Riga
  • Latvia
Kiev, Ukraine - The past 12 months have seen a 3.5% increase in the average value of the monetary compensation earned by senior executives holding key positions in the largest companies in the world – up to €1.4 million per year. This increase occurred across both revenue components, with the base salary increasing by 3.1% to €681 thousand, and short-term bonuses increasing by 4.2% to €719 thousand. These conclusions come from global research conducted this autumn by the international recruiting…
  • In the media
  • Insights
  • Kiev
  • Ukraine
Riga, Latvia - Global trends in Human Resource Management set the tone for Latvian enterprises. The responsibilities and competences of Human Resource Managers are increasing.
  • In the media
  • Riga
  • Latvia
Prague, Czech Republic - Růst příjmů kapitánů globální ekonomiky zpomaluje a na rozdíl od období před krizí se musí manažerská práce více odrazit ve výsledcích firmy. Průměrný big boss velké globální korporace si měsíčně přijde na v přepočtu něco kolem 3,2 miliónu korun, to je o 3,5 procenta více než loni. Necelou polovinu z této částky má zaručenu ve formě fixní mzdy, o rozhodující části manažerských příjmů však rozhodují akcionáři firmy. Ti mohou, ale nemusí odměnit šéfy formou bonusů.
  • In the media
  • Insights
  • Prague
  • Czech Republic
Germany - Eigentlich werden Höchstverdiener in westlichen Großkonzernen ähnlich bezahlt, zeigt eine Studie. Zuletzt haben sie sich bei Gehaltssteigerungen sogar gemäßigt. Doch die Lenker weltweiter Konzernriesen verdienen noch immer üppig - und das nicht nur in den USA.
  • In the media
  • Insights
  • Munich
  • Germany
Almaty, Kazakhstan - Руководители высшего звена в крупнейших компаниях мира в среднем получили в 2014 денежную компенсацию в размере 1,4 млн евро – на 3,5% больше, чем год назад
  • In the media
  • Insights
  • Almaty
  • Kazakhstan
Vienna, Austria - Successful salary negotiations must consider the interests of the employees and the company at the same time
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  • Insights
  • Vienna
  • Austria
Bratislava, Slovakia - Priemerný ročný plat vrcholových manažérov na Slovensku sa pohybuje od 60-tisíc do 120-tisíc eur v závislosti od veľkosti firmy.
  • In the media
  • Bratislava
  • Slovakia