Vienna, Austria - Employee participation models can have positive effects when they are compatible with the corporate culture. It’s much easier for publicly traded companies to implement these models, but there are also ways for small and medium entities to let employees share in the company’s success.
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
January 19th, 2015 – Prague, Czech Republic - Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 53 offices within 50 countries announced today the addition of Paul Inman as Principal to its team in the Czech Republic.
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  • Prague
  • Czech Republic
19 ledna 2015 – Praha, Česká Republika - Pedersen & Partners, jedna z největších mezinárodních společností zabývajících se obsazováním klíčových manažerských pozici (Executive Search) s 53 pobočkami v 50 zemích světa, dnes oznámila posílení svého pražského týmu o nového seniorního konzultanta Paula Inmana.
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  • Prague
  • Czech Republic
Vilnius, Lithuania - Top executives in Lithuania earn more than those in Latvia or Estonia, but their compensation is still far below that paid to top executives in Switzerland. Most top executives in Lithuania cannot expect considerable salary growth in the near future, as there is currently a fairly large pool of talented and experienced executives in the Lithuanian job market who are seeking work at lower rates of compensation. However, company shareholders are tending to set very clear…
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  • Vilnius
  • Lithuania
2015 gada 13 janvārī – Rīga – Pedersen & Partners vadošās augsta līmeņa vadītāju meklēšanas kompānijas, kas sniedz pakalpojumus 53 birojos 50 valstīs, Baltijas komandai pievienojas divi nozares profesionāļi – Pasi Hartunens (Pasi Harttunen) Igaunijā un Kaspars Kauliņš Latvijā, kuri uzsāks darbu kā klientu dire
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  • Riga
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  • Helsinki
  • Finland
January 13th, 2015 – Riga/Tallinn – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 53 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is pleased to announce the addition of Pasi Harttunen to the Estonian team and Kaspars Kauliņš to the Latvian team, both joining as Principals.
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  • Riga
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  • Helsinki
  • Finland
January 12th, 2015 – Munich, Germany – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 53 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is pleased to announce the addition of Alexander Wilhelm to its team in Germany. Mr. Wilhelm will be working with the firm as a Client Partner and will be based in Frankfurt.
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  • Munich
  • Germany
Januar 12, 2015 – München, Deutschland – Pedersen & Partners, eines der führenden Executive Search Unternehmen mit 53 Büros in 50 Ländern, verstärkt durch Alexander Wilhelm sein Deutschlandteam. Wilhelm ist seit Januar 2015 Client Partner bei Pedersen & Partners in Frankfurt.
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  • Munich
  • Germany
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Residents in Dubai say their salaries are going up (albeit in single digits) but they can’t add to their savings.
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  • Dubai
  • United Arab Emirates
Vilnius, Lithuania - Executive search professionals say that the main competence that shareholders expect from general managers is the ability to increase business effectiveness. They also mention that general managers are expected to have an increased knowledge base outside their own markets.
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  • Vilnius
  • Lithuania