Vienna, Austria – How much do Managers earn in Austria? What other benefits do they receive? What type of management style do they have? What should you do if you want a career in Austria? We talked to Conrad Pramböck, Head of Compensation Consulting at the Executive Search firm Pedersen & Partners.
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
Minsk, Belarus – With the wrong motivation and negligent attitudes towards hiring and firing procedures, workforce optimisation can result in additional costs and reputational damage. 
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  • Minsk
  • Belarus
Toronto, Canada – The past six years have been turbulent for the global economy to say the least, and the mining sector is no exception. Based on the atmosphere at the recent PDAC Convention, although the outlook for 2016 is still very uneasy, there is some longer-term optimism for the sector. Numbers were down with 22,000 in attendance, but the overall outlook was more positive than last year, with precious metals and some other commodities starting to rally in price.
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  • Toronto
  • Canada
Toronto, Canada – The past six years have been turbulent for the global economy to say the least, and the mining sector is no exception. Based on the atmosphere at the recent PDAC Convention, although the outlook for 2016 is still very uneasy, there is some longer-term optimism for the sector. Numbers were down with 22,000 in attendance, but the overall outlook was more positive than last year, with precious metals and some other commodities starting to rally in price.
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  • Toronto
  • Canada
Riga, Latvia – The world of work is in a state of flux, with many occupations disappearing and transforming while new professions emerge.  The new professions are mainly related to technology and the development of tools and processes, but their defining characteristic is the absence of geographical boundaries.
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  • Riga
  • Latvia
Johannesburg, South Africa – Africa has leapfrogged the rest of the world! From unbanked to almost fully connected in a few years. It has achieved this phenomenal feat without the use of the traditional retail-banking model but rather by disrupting convention: using innovation and creativity – resulting in the birth of FinTech.
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  • Johannesburg
  • South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa – Africa has leapfrogged the rest of the world! From unbanked to almost fully connected in a few years. It has achieved this phenomenal feat without the use of the traditional retail-banking model but rather by disrupting convention: using innovation and creativity – resulting in the birth of FinTech.
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  • Johannesburg
  • South Africa
Minsk, Belarus – In a tough economy, Belarus’ employers run the show. This means that the number of dismissed employees in Belarus is currently considerably higher than the number of newly-hired employees. For example, in January 45,000 people were fired but only 37,000 were hired. At the same time, a new trend can be seen: more and more companies are trying to negotiate with their employees and find new ways and opportunities to work together, without resorting to the final measure of termination…
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  • Minsk
  • Belarus
As smog in Beijing exceeded to 22 times higher than the World Health Organisation (WHO)’s limit in December, the pollution is leading to more than just an array of health problems – it is making it harder for the Chinese capital to attract and retain foreign talent, according to Pedersen & Partners.
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  • Hong Kong
  • China
The average annual gross compensation for top executives in the world’s largest companies increased in 2015 by 3.8% to EUR 1.45 million (HKD 12.22 million), according to Executive Search firm Pedersen & Partners. The survey covered 1,800 top executives in 340 large companies in 18 countries.
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  • Hong Kong
  • China