Riga, Latvia - Evita Lune, Partner and the Country Manager for Latvia at Pedersen & Partners, spoke to Dienas Bizness regarding Employee Value Propositions.
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  • Riga
  • Latvia
Sofia, Bulgaria - Learn more from Irena Bushandrova, Country Manager and Borislava Nedelcheva, Research Consultant at Pedersen & Partners in Bulgaria. According to a recent survey conducted by the executive search company Pedersen & Partners, the annual compensation of a top manager in a big multinational corporation averages 1.4 million EUR. But top managers in Bulgaria earn only 72 200 EUR on average – near the bottom of the list.
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  • Sofia
  • Bulgaria
Dubai, United Arab Emirates - Dubai is taking advantage of a strong tourism market, an influx of expats and a strong financial services hub – even before the World Expo 2020.
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  • Dubai
  • United Arab Emirates
Scopje, Macedonia - After a quarter-century of changes and transitions, who is the Macedonian businessman?
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  • Scopje
  • Macedonia
Jakarta, Indonesia - In 2015, executive-level basic salaries at top multinational companies are projected to rise by 3.1% from 2014 levels. Short-term bonuses are expected to increase by 4.2% and cash compensation to 1.4 million euros, a 3.5% increase compared to last year. However, growth is slowing compared to the last 5 years. These figures are presented by executive search firm Pedersen & Partners, which released a survey on Thursday (01/08/2015).
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  • Jakarta
  • Indonesia
Vienna, Austria - Getting the job of your dreams is easy-provided you go about it the right way. The approach you need to take involves your network of contacts, but it is completely different from what most people would think.
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
Vienna, Austria - “Statutory income limits only foster mediocrity and do not make salaries more legitimate”
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
Vienna, Austria - “Statutory income limits only foster mediocrity and do not make salaries more legitimate”
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  • Vienna
  • Austria
February 3rd, 2015 – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – The war for talent in Saudi Arabia is heating up as the Saudization program puts pressure on companies to increase the number of Saudi National employees and retain existing employees.
  • Press Releases
  • Ridiyah
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Dubai
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Insights
February 3rd, 2015 – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – The war for talent in Saudi Arabia is heating up as the Saudization program puts pressure on companies to increase the number of Saudi National employees and retain existing employees.
  • Press Releases
  • Ridiyah
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Dubai
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Insights