June 11th, 2015 – Kiev, Ukraine – Pedersen & Partners Client Partner Vladimir Kolomoets participated in the third HR Wisdom Summit, which took place in Kiev and encompassed all the latest talent management, retention and education trends under the slogan “Let’s create opportunities!”
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  • Kiev
  • Ukraine
Sofia, Bulgaria - All major corporations and a significant number of small and medium entities have a Chief Financial Officer (CFO – also known as a Financial Director). The CFO is responsible for the company's day-to-day financial accounting and reporting, and the overall strategic direction of its development. The CFO is also the Executive Director's right-hand man, and a key figure on the Board of Directors, as he actively participates in defining the company's long-term strategy, evaluating…
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  • Sofia
  • Bulgaria
Sofia, Bulgaria - All major corporations and a significant number of small and medium entities have a Chief Financial Officer (CFO – also known as a Financial Director). The CFO is responsible for the company's day-to-day financial accounting and reporting, and the overall strategic direction of its development. The CFO is also the Executive Director's right-hand man, and a key figure on the Board of Directors, as he actively participates in defining the company's long-term strategy, evaluating…
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  • Sofia
  • Bulgaria
Riga, Latvia – Pedersen & Partners Principal Kaspars Kauliņš recently participated in the Reputation War Conference, where he shared his experiences of the need to identify purpose in all aspects of one's life. This purpose-finding process can in turn become the key to employee engagement.
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  • Riga
  • Latvia
Prague, Czech Republic - Top managers and specialists are scarce in the labor market. For SMEs this fact is especially true, with most experts tempted by the pay and prestige of large corporations. However, according to industry experts, all is not lost. Even the SME sector can attract "aces" on board – provided, of course, that there is a proficient HR specialist in the industry who knows exactly how to put together an enticing package.
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  • Prague
  • Czech Republic
Bogotá, Colombia - Our special guest for this edition is Fernanda García, Country Manager at Pedersen & Partners, who believes that proper communication between leaders and their subordinates starts with knowledge and understanding of the team members, rather than following paradigms.
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  • Bogota
  • Colombia
May 28th, 2015 – Jakarta, Indonesia – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 53 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, today announced the addition of Muki Adinugroho as a Principal in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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  • Jakarta
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  • Asia
28 Mei, 2015 – Jakarta, Indonesia – Pedersen & Partners, firma executive search internasional terkemuka dengan 53 kantor cabang di 50 negara, hari ini mengumumkan bergabungnya Muki Adinugroho sebagai Principal di Pedersen & Partners.
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  • Jakarta
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  • Asia
May 26th, 2015 – Johannesburg, South Africa – Elissa Wilding, Client Partner and the Head of the Media & Entertainment Practice at Pedersen & Partners will participate in the “Connected Africa” SatCom International Conference. The main objective of this conference is to determine the future and implications of satellite, communications and connectivity technology.
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  • Africa
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  • Johannesburg
  • South Africa
May 21st, 2015 – Jakarta, Indonesia – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 53 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, welcomes Melissa Pattiiha in its Jakarta office as a Consultant.
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  • Jakarta
  • Indonesia