Bogotá, Colombia − The UN, the World Economic Forum and the ILO are just a few of the international organisations discussing the term “sustainable” and what it means.
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  • Bogota
  • Colombia
Bogotá, Colombia − The UN, the World Economic Forum and the ILO are just a few of the international organisations discussing the term “sustainable” and what it means.
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  • Bogota
  • Colombia
Riga, Latvia –  Evita Lune, Partner and Country Manager for Latvia at Pedersen & Partners speaks to "Dienas Bizness" about the parameters of decision-making.
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  • Riga
  • Latvia
September 8th, 2015 – New Delhi, India – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, today announced the addition of Rekha Murthy to its India team as a Client Partner.
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  • New Delhi
  • India
3 september 2015, Tallinn, Eesti – Rahvusvahelise juhtide sihtotsingu firma Pedersen & Partners Eesti esinduse juhina asus tööle Kaspars Kauliņš. Pedersen & Partners on juhtide sihtotsingu alal üks juhtivaid ettevõtteid, 50 riigis tegutseb 54 esindust.
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  • Tallinn
  • Estonia
September 1st, 2015 – Houston, U.S. – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 54 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, is proud to announce the opening of its first office in the United States. The Houston office is the firm’s sixth in the Americas, and joins the established Pedersen & Partners offices in Canada, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru.
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  • Houston
  • USA
Nairobi, Kenya – When President Obama touched down in Kenya for his historical visit, he brought with him the promise of American investments into East Africa’s infrastructure and emerging business culture. Announcing a ‘new chapter of co-operation’ with the US, the President talked about creating local jobs and ‘unleashing economic growth’ throughout Kenya and across the continent. Hopefully, his visit will enhance investor confidence and thus stimulate hesitant global organisations and…
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  • Nairobi
  • Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya – When President Obama touched down in Kenya for his historical visit, he brought with him the promise of American investments into East Africa’s infrastructure and emerging business culture. Announcing a ‘new chapter of co-operation’ with the US, the President talked about creating local jobs and ‘unleashing economic growth’ throughout Kenya and across the continent. Hopefully, his visit will enhance investor confidence and thus stimulate hesitant global organisations and…
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  • Nairobi
  • Kenya
Lima, Peru – Studies of the corporate world predict that over the next 25 years, about a third of new CEOs will be women.
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  • Lima
  • Peru
Sofia, Bulgaria – I often get questions from local and international clients alike as to which management position is most difficult to fill. While our firm covers a vast range of positions and fields, my answer is always the same: the Human Resources Manager. This might surprise you – if you know that there is a large community of HR professionals out there, and that most companies in your country have an entire HR department to handle this work, why should this be a hard position to fill? What’s…
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  • Sofia
  • Bulgaria