Riga, LatviaGina Heng, Co-Founder of Marvelstone Group. Interviewed by Evita Lune and Joanne Chng.   Marvelstone Group is a private investment group that develops and invests in growing businesses. It was founded by Joe Seunghyun Cho and Gina Heng and joined by managing partner, Joel Ko. One of the projects is LATTICE80 — the Global FinTech Hub kickstarted from Singapore and now expanding its network across many other cities. Gina is…
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  • Startup
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  • Women In Tech
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  • Riga
  • Latvia
  • Evita Lune
Cheap money, high liquidity, a good economic cycle and strong competition: these talking points were identified during the Private Equity Breakfast in Barcelona co-hosted this October by the international law firm CMS and global Executive Search firm Pedersen & Partners, in which representatives from well-known Spanish private equity and venture capital firms discussed how to deal with current conditions while preparing for possible future economic downturns. Panellists discussed the economic cycle, deal…
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  • Private Equity
  • Barcelona
  • Alvaro Arias
Pedersen & Partners, the leading international executive search firm surveyed CEOs, CIO/CTOs and HR Directors of the Czech-based companies during the first six months of 2018 to gauge insights on current trends, and how the changing needs and structure of their businesses affect their role. The answers in the surveys are taken directly from some of the interviewees and are intended to reflect similar answers from other interviewees. The surveys weren’t scientific, and we did…
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  • Executive Survey
  • Czech Republic
October 8, 2018 – Riga, Latvia. The event gathered over 200 participants ranging from students interested in startups and entrepreneurship journey, to startups, to business decision makers and enthusiasts.
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  • Business Ideas
  • Evita Lune
In September Pedersen & Partners together with the international law firm CMS hosted annual German Private Equity Breakfast. During the breakfast and networking event, German Private Equity firms discussed the way ahead.
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  • Private Equity
  • Germany
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  • German Private Equity Breakfast
Am Mittwochabend netzwerkten Personalchefs wieder bei der HR-Lounge. Gastgeber war diesmal Baker McKenzie.
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  • Josef Buttinger
  • Human Resources
  • HR
Venture capital (VC) is now a $155 billion annual industry worldwide, and over 10% of that worldwide VC funding is invested in Life Sciences. Biotech and pharmaceuticals in particular have seen massive increases, reaching a total of $16.6 billion in 2017. MedTech is rapidly catching up.
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  • Life Science
  • Venture Capital
  • Europe
  • Lydia van der Meulen
Evita Lune, Partner for Global Digital Economy at Pedersen & Partners, took part in the jury of the 4th CEE Capital Markets & FinTech Awards in Warsaw, Poland.
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  • FinTech
  • Digital Economy
September 14, 2018 – Amsterdam, Netherlands – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 56 wholly owned offices in 52 countries adds Julia Casoli as Principal in the Netherlands.
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  • Amsterdam
  • Netherlands
September 13, 2018 – Munich, Germany – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 56 wholly owned offices in 52 countries adds Elena Schreivogel as Principal to its German team.
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  • Munich
  • Germany
April 22nd, 2015 – Moscow, Russia – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 53 wholly owned offices in 50 countries welcomes Julie Desloges as a Consultant in the Moscow office.
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  • Moscow
  • Russia
22 aпреля 2015 – Москва, Россия – Pedersen & Partners, ведущая международная компания по подбору персонала на руководящие должности, представленная 53 офисами в 50 странах, объявила о том, что ее московская команда пополнилась новым консультатном. Эту должность заняла Юлия Дэлож.
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  • Moscow
  • Russia
April 20th 2015, Dubai, UAE - The Gulf countries are gradually transitioning from oil-based economies to services and knowledge-based economies. Within this transition, it is becoming critically important to leverage the availability of the existing foreign human capital pool (expatriates), and at the same time diversify risk by accelerating investment in higher education institutions, start-ups and IT innovations – creating a skilled talent pool to address the anticipated economy growth.
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  • Dubai
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Saudi Arabia
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  • Oman
March 24th, 2015 – Paris, France – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 53 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, announced the addition of William Bila as Consultant to the Paris office.
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  • Paris
  • France
24 Mars, 2015 – Paris, France – Pedersen & Partners, acteur international spécialisé dans la recherche de cadres & cadres dirigeants avec 53 bureaux dans le monde et présent dans 50 pays, a annoncé l’arrivée de William Bila en tant que consultant rattaché au bureau de Paris.
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  • Paris
  • France
While it is important to choose the right candidate for all Steering Committee positions, it is doubly important to make the right choice for the CFO, who works with sensitive, complex and confidential information. A good CFO helps make sound decisions, anticipate contingencies, assess risks and ensure liquidity. Equally, choosing the wrong CFO carries significant business and reputational risks.
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  • Madrid
  • Spain
Si para posiciones de Comité de Dirección es importante elegir bien al candidato, en el caso del CFO es doblemente importante.  El CFO trabaja con información sensible, compleja y confidencial. Un buen CFO ayuda a tomar decisiones acertadas, adelantarse a posibles contingencias, evaluar riesgos y asegurar la liquidez. Sin embargo, elegir mal al CFO conlleva importantes riesgos de negocio y reputacionales.
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  • Madrid
  • Spain
Die Auswahl des richtigen Bewerbers ist für alle Positionen im Lenkungsausschuss wichtig. Dies gilt in besonderem Maße für den CFO, der mit heiklen, komplexen und vertraulichen Daten zu tun hat. Ein fähiger CFO hilft dem Unternehmen, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen, Eventualitäten vorherzusehen, Risiken zu bewerten und die Liquidität sicherzustellen. Im Gegenzug bringt die Einstellung des falschen CFO signifikante Geschäfts- und Reputationsrisiken mit sich.
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  • Munich
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February 3rd, 2015 – Riyadh, Saudi Arabia – The war for talent in Saudi Arabia is heating up as the Saudization program puts pressure on companies to increase the number of Saudi National employees and retain existing employees.
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  • Ridiyah
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Dubai
  • United Arab Emirates
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January 19th, 2015 – Prague, Czech Republic - Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 53 offices within 50 countries announced today the addition of Paul Inman as Principal to its team in the Czech Republic.
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  • Prague
  • Czech Republic