The most recent meeting of the HR Lounge - a network for HR Managers only founded by Josef Buttinger, Country Manager for Austria at Pedersen & Partners - was dedicated to the topic of catering at workplace. Eurest - a company that offers dining services for companies, will open Austria's largest restaurant in the new Bank Austria Campus in Vienna at the end of November. "Studies show that fresh food increases employee satisfaction," commented Sabine Riedel, HR Director at Eurest. Over 50 HR Directors from…
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  • Josef Buttinger
  • Human Resources
  • HR
56 wholly owned offices  opened since 2001 - Poul Pedersen and Evita Lune talk to the Latvian magazine Klubs about the focus, drive and professional team that lead to the creation of Pedersen & Partners - a  leading international Executive Search company.
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  • Latvia
These are series of short three-question interviews with experts in the sports industry conducted by Gautier Vasseur, Partner at Pedersen & Partners, to gain insights into strategic governance and human capital issues of sporting organisations. Anrijs Brencans is a recognised expert in governance for sports both for government and private organizations; he has over 25 years of experience of chairing boards for industrial conglomerates, internet start-ups and sporting organisations across Europe.
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These are series of short three-question interviews with experts in the sports industry conducted by Gautier Vasseur, Partner at Pedersen & Partners, to gain insights into strategic governance and human capital issues of sporting organisations. Anrijs Brencans is a recognised expert in governance for sports both for government and private organizations; he has over 25 years of experience of chairing boards for industrial conglomerates, internet start-ups and sporting organisations across Europe.
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  • Olympics
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November 6, 2018 – Munich, Germany – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 57 wholly owned offices in 53 countries, has announced that Sandra Roels has joined as a new Client Partner in Germany.
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  • Germany
  • Life Sciences
November 5th, 2018 – Milan, Italy – Pedersen & Partners, the leading international Executive Search firm, is proud to announce the opening of its first Italian office in Milan with Bruno Pastore as Country Manager.
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  • Milan
  • Italy
5 novembre 2018 - Milano, Italia - Pedersen & Partners, primaria società internazionale di Executive Search, è orgogliosa di annunciare l'apertura del proprio ufficio in Italia, con Bruno Pastore come Country Manager.
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  • Milano
  • Italia
These are series of short three-question interviews with experts in the sports industry conducted by Gautier Vasseur, Partner at Pedersen & Partners, to gain insights into strategic governance and human capital issues of sporting organisations. We're pleased to start our first season with Amélie Ouéda-Castéra, President of the association Rénovons le Sport Français, which aims at improving governance methods in French sporting bodies. Amélie also heads the #Paris2024 Audit Committee organising the 2024 Summer…
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  • Paris
  • France
These are series of short three-question interviews with experts in the sports industry conducted by Gautier Vasseur, Partner at Pedersen & Partners, to gain insights into strategic governance and human capital issues of sporting organisations. We're pleased to start our first season with Amélie Ouéda-Castéra, President of the association Rénovons le Sport Français, which aims at improving governance methods in French sporting bodies. Amélie also heads the #Paris2024 Audit Committee organising the 2024 Summer…
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  • Paris
  • France
Paris, France – Décideurs Magazine issued by Leaders League, a media and rating agency for top executives, has released its 2018 annual “Compensation Systems and Recruitment Strategies” report for the Executive Search industry in France. Pedersen & Partners was rated as Excellent for international searches and nominated for its strong reputation and prominence in the following categories:
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  • Paris
  • France
May 28th, 2015 – Jakarta, Indonesia – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 53 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, today announced the addition of Muki Adinugroho as a Principal in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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  • Jakarta
  • Indonesia
  • Asia
28 Mei, 2015 – Jakarta, Indonesia – Pedersen & Partners, firma executive search internasional terkemuka dengan 53 kantor cabang di 50 negara, hari ini mengumumkan bergabungnya Muki Adinugroho sebagai Principal di Pedersen & Partners.
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  • Jakarta
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  • Asia
May 26th, 2015 – Johannesburg, South Africa – Elissa Wilding, Client Partner and the Head of the Media & Entertainment Practice at Pedersen & Partners will participate in the “Connected Africa” SatCom International Conference. The main objective of this conference is to determine the future and implications of satellite, communications and connectivity technology.
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  • Africa
  • Nairobi
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  • Johannesburg
  • South Africa
May 21st, 2015 – Jakarta, Indonesia – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 53 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, welcomes Melissa Pattiiha in its Jakarta office as a Consultant.
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  • Jakarta
  • Indonesia
21 Mei, 2015 – Jakarta, Indonesia – Pedersen & Partners, Firma Eksekutif Search terkemuka dengan 53 kantor cabang yang tersebar di 50 negara, mengumumkan Melissa Pattiiha sebagai Konsultan yang berlokasi di Jakarta Indonesia.
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  • Jakarta
  • Indonesia
May 19th, 2015 - Munich, Germany - Slowly but surely, governments and legislators are becoming aware of the need to integrate women further into the corporate world. It is widely recognized that women should be encouraged to take more prominent top roles, not just because they have a right to do so, but because their potential and skill sets are of incredible value, and the perfect complement and a necessary balance to the strengths of men.
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  • Munich
  • Germany
19. Mai 2015 - München, Deutschland - Langsam aber sicher erkennen Regierungen und Gesetzgeber, dass es nötig ist, Frauen umfassender in die Geschäftswelt einzubinden. Es ist eine allgemein anerkannte Tatsache, dass Frauen bestärkt werden sollen, wichtige Ämter zu übernehmen: nicht nur, weil sie das Recht dazu haben, sondern weil ihre Leistungen und Fähigkeiten – als perfekte Ergänzung und notwendiges Gegengewicht zu männlichen Stärken – von unschätzbarem Wert sind.
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  • Munchen
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May 5th 2015, Johannesburg, South Africa - 2015 is a crucial year for Africa’s economic development. Summits in Nairobi, Addis Ababa, Paris and New York will facilitate international cooperation, with Africa and its partners playing critical roles in shaping the continent's economic future. In September, at the United Nations General Assembly, global leaders are presumed to sanction Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to replace the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Africa is at the forefront…
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  • Johannesburg
  • South Africa
  • Sub-Saharan Africa
  • Lagos
  • Nigeria
  • Nairobi
  • Kenya
  • Rwanda
  • Ghana
April 30th, 2015 – London, United Kingdom  Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 53 wholly owned offices in 50 countries, announced today the addition of Elissa Wilding as a Client Partner in its London office.
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  • London
  • United Kingdom
Hong Kong, China - From a global perspective, the number of women in executive positions has stagnated in recent years. In corporations, around 50% of employees in entry-level occupations are women, with the proportion of women in senior and management roles drastically declining. Globally speaking, only 3-4% of CEOs are women. Grant Thornton International Business Report states in its 2014 annual survey that the percentage of women in senior positions remains at 24%, unchanged from its findings…
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